Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Our digital leader in St Michael's have variety of different roles.
Our digital leaders take on the responsibilities to look after technology around the school. They also help to support members of our community with their technology too.
Their responsibilities include:
- To make sure iPads and laptops are put away neatly and pugged in so they are charged when needed.
- To make sure that iPads are cleared of photos of children periodically.
- To take laptops and iPads to and from classrooms safely.
- To check that the I-zone is kept clean and tidy and that people are respectful.
- To tell their classes and other classes what is new with computing and technology.
- To help adults and children with technology when needed.
Who are we?
Year 6
In Year 6 our Digital Leaders are:
Bradley, Brandon, Weronika and Wiktor
Year 5
In Year 5 our Digital Leaders are:
Madyson, David, Mohammed and Enoch
Computing in St Michael's
We love Computing here at St Michael's.
We take part in all sorts of different activities learning all about the three strands of computing : Digital literacy, computer science and information technology.
We take part in enthusiastic lessons and in competitions too!
Term 3 meetings:
This term the digital leaders chose our winners for our competition:
In UKS2:
Winner: Lena
Runner up: Sam
In LKS2:
Winner: Zac
Runner up: Ava
Well done to our winners!!
We have also prepared and delivered some special assemblies for Safer Internet day. Our audiences were brilliant and very knowledgeable! Well done St Michael's on your fantastic knowledge of staying safe online!
Term 2 meetings:
This term the digital leaders have create a competition for the school and delivered it to the different classes.
The competition is split into different keys stages and is as follows:
UKS2 (Years 5 and 6)
There is going to be a computing competition to be done at home or during your own time for example during your classes computing lunchtime club. It will be due on January 10th
The theme is adventure or Christmas and the task is to create a game using 2code.
For example, you could create a quest, a pong game or a catch and avoid game.
The game will be rated on three categories:
Instruction details - how well they are using different instructions.
LKS2 (Years 3 and 4)
There is going to be a computing competition to be done at home or during your own time for example during your classes computing lunchtime club. It will be due on January 10th
The theme is adventure or Christmas and the task is to create a game using 2DIY3D.
The game will be rated on three categories:
KS1 (years 1 and 2)
There is going to be a computing competition to be done at home or during your own time for example during your classes computing lunchtime club. It will be due on January 10th
The theme is adventure or Christmas and the task is to create a painting on 2paint
The art piece will be rated on three categories:
Use of colour
Attention to detail
Due date is 10th January 2025. We look forward to seeing everyone's creations!
Term 1 meetings:
The digital leaders have been meeting a lot this term. They are very enthusiastic and eager to put things in place.
We have begun planning a competition for the whole school to take part in. For this we have been researching what the classes in KS1 would like to practice more of and are planning to create games for the children to score points in in order to win the competition.
We have also discussed our responsibilities as digital leaders and set out a timetable to ensure that we can carry out our responsibilities by checking on the I-zone and the Ipads.
Mondays: St Bartholomew
Tuesdays: St Augustine
Wednesday: St Paul
Thursday: St Peter
Friday: St Bartholomew
Robotics Workshop
As part of our STEM day activities children from KS1 and KS2 were lucky enough to take part in a robotics workshop where they were able to build and program a robot.
There was great feedback from pupils and staff alike. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we learnt lots too!
It's competition time!
The time has come for a brand new computing competition.
This term the whole school will be taking part in a new computing competition.
Key Stage 2 will be taking part in a film competition using technology to create a film about our online behaviour and linking back to our Safer internet Day Theme of All Fun and Games.
Check out the video and webpage to learn more about it!
Key Stage 1 will produce a piece of artwork using the computer along the lines of graphic design with a theme of Exploring respect and relationships online.
EYFS will create a mini role play of how we should behave when using technology?
Keep an eye of this page to find out our winners in June when the digital leaders vote!
We are also going to find out if we can win the national competition in KS2, the results for this will be in July.
Year 4 have been making their film competition using the iPads to video, the computers for 2animate on Purple Mash and the iPads for Stop Motion too!
Year 3 have been busy with their creations for our film competitions. They have been using 2animate to create animations ready to submit.
Year 4 were lucky enough to have a visitor in to do some Jam Coding!
We had a fabulous time with our wonderful learning coach.
Raspberry Pi
Years 5 and 6 have been exploring with Raspberry Pi. They have been setting up their own computers using Raspberry Pi and learning a new programming language.