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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Forest School

Wishing you all a calm and cosy Christmas and a very happy, healthy 2025!!


Hello and welcome to the St Michael's Forest School page.

Here, you will be able to find information about our Forest School activities and club. As well as learning new skills, children across the school will visit our forest area to explore and enjoy in a more relaxed, child led capacity. A number of children will also visit our Forest School for nurture sessions. The activities and experiences involved serve to enhance and support our creative, diverse and interesting curriculum for all children at St Michael's.



This term where there will be more enjoyable and exciting activities and experiences happening in our Forest School!

Term 3 will see Years 3 and 4 having regular Forest School sessions, as well as children throughout the school in various nurture groups. 

Year 4 will be having their sessions on Tuesdays and Year 3 on Wednesdays. Your child is very welcome to bring in suitable footwear to change into - although we have spare wellington boots if needed. Please ensure your child brings a coat suitable for the weather - a hooded, waterproof coat or jacket, gloves and a hat are very necessary to keep the children warm, comfortable and happy! An extra pair of socks is also recommended. There is a well known saying, 'There's no such thing as unsuitable weather, just unsuitable clothing'. If we dress accordingly, we can have fun whatever the seasons bring! 


Forest School Club will also take place on Wednesdays straight after school until 4.15 pm for KS2 children. Again, please think about sending your child with clothing suitable for the weather, many thanks. 


Children throughout the school remembered those who have died through war during quiet reflection while making poppies.

Our Forest School Friends are children who demonstrate a good understanding of Forest School rules and ethos and are able to communicate this to their peers whenever they visit Forest School.

This year, those children are;

Faith - St James the Lesser, St Simon - Max, St Philip - Olivia,            St Matthew - Lewis, St Thomas - Emily-Rose, St John - Levi,                St James the Greater - Gloria, St Matthias - Brian,                              St Bartholomew - Damilola, St Augustine - Emilia, St Peter - Anastazja


Wellingtons in sizes 4,5,6,7

(metric 38,39,40,41)

Please donate to the school office.

Many thanks!

(And thank you so much to those who have already donated! We really appreciate it)!

Year 3 enjoyed exploring the forest area, learning to be safe and to enjoy the outdoor environment.

Nursery children enjoyed exploring the forest area.

Some of the KS2 children made Christmas decorations during their time in Forest School. Aren't they great?

Storm Bert made a bit of a mess in our Reflection Area. Some of the children were very happy to tidy up - having lots of fun and keeping warm in the process!

This week Reception children made Christmas wreaths. They identified ivy from holly, then picked, cut and threaded leaves to make the wreaths.

The children in Reception had great fun enjoying an Advent Hunt in the forest! They looked for signs that Jesus is on his way!

Meanwhile, Nursery children were doing lots of learning about number 2! Counting, jumping, nodding, turning, clapping! All good fun AND keeping warm!

Our Reception children have been investigating sounds they can hear - and make - in the forest. They especially enjoyed kicking up all the leaves that have fallen!

Our Nursery children have been exploring our forest area for the first time this term. They were very excited and had great fun!

Last term Year 2 have had great fun creating short stories set in the forest. Have a read and see what you think!

Year 1 have been thinking about how being outside in Nature makes us feel. What can we hear, see and experience that enhances our mood and makes us feel better?

Year 2 have been using natural resources to create artwork after the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

Year 1 enjoyed using finding frames to find things that God made.

Some Year 6 children enjoyed a day outdoors at Riverside Country Park with a Ranger, learning about the Medway Estuary and animal habitats.

Year 1 used natural objects such as sticks, stones and leaves to create autumnal pictures.

Previously in St Michael's Forest School...

It was great to see parents and carers enjoying our forest area with their children.

The Nursery children really enjoyed a teddy bear's picnic and bear hunt in the forest!

Our pollinating plants have really thrived (probably due to all the rain we have had)! Look how beautiful the flowers are, and just how much the bees appreciate them!

Year 4 have been enjoying lots of Forest Fun! What a great way to end a really busy school year!

Our free trees from the Woodland Trust have settled in and are getting bigger! Some of the children have been to check that they are doing okay while putting in stakes to help them grow straight and strong.

Once again, Mrs Rogazinska has been incredibly busy with recycled materials, fashioning furniture to use in the forest. Many, many, thanks Mrs R!!

Children in YR learnt about keeping safe in the sun. They understood the importance of high factor sunscreen, sunglasses, water and a hat plus the advantages of shade in helping them to keep safe and healthy.

The Nursery children enjoyed some Forest yoga - especially as they learned some animal moves!

The children enjoyed using clay to make models connected with the forest. They made hedgehogs, faces, plants and trees.

The Nursery children had great fun using picture clues to go on a scavenger hunt. They had to think about the size, colour, texture and number to find objects in their hunt.

Earth Day began in 1970 and is now recognised all over the world as a day to highlight and fight climate crisis and the effects it has on our planet.

To celebrate Earth Day, the children at Forest School Club made Earthday cakes using various resources found in the forest area. They sang happy birthday and learned that this year the focus is on reducing plastic use.

Meanwhile, Nursery children had lots of fun using positional language in the forest. They hid under, in and behind objects and had lots of laughs saying who or what was next to, above or in front of them.

Mrs Rogazinska has been busy again! She has created a super forest building for us all to share! Thank you so much!

Children in our Nursery had fun looking for signs of Spring. They found flowers, worms, woodlice, a bee and other minibeasts during their search.

During Forest School Club, the children were inspired by the newly hatched chicks to make their own. Of course, the children were eager to show off their creations!

Elsewhere, some of the children enjoyed using eggs on spoons in different poses to challenge their balancing skills.

While the children in Year 5 worked together to create some beautiful Easter Gardens. (Please see above).

Year 6 also enjoyed the peace of our forest area to create beautiful Easter gardens.

Children in Year 5 used palm drivers to make a wooden token, decorating appropriately for Easter.

To celebrate the coming of St. Patrick's Day, the children attending Forest School Club made leprechaun wands, enjoyed a leprechaun hunt and planted Shamrock seeds, decorating the pots in traditional Irish colours!

La fheile Padraig sona dhuit  if you are celebrating St Patrick's Day!

The children worked in teams to create amazing art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

As we start our journey into Lent, where better to immerse ourselves in our faith and spiritual reflection than outside among God's glorious creations.

Gong hey fat choi! Thinking about the approaching Chinese New Year, some children explored using chopsticks to manipulate a variety of objects while others designed and made Chinese pellet drums.

At Forest School Club the children learned how to boil water using a Kelly Kettle. They were extremely sensible and aware of the possible danger and safety aspects needed. A lovely cup of hot chocolate was a just reward!

Year 4 had an interesting week making Tesserae pictures and patterns using natural materials.

While Year 3 enjoyed practising knots... a human knot...

... and an underhand knot which is the basic knot used when tying shoelaces etc.

As it was Squirrel Appreciation week we thought we would appreciate them further by learning a little about them and making squirrel feeders. There are definitely more squirrels than we thought in the vicinity of our forest!

At Forest School Club the children learned how to make stretchers from materials to hand - just in case an injured person needed to be moved to a safer area.

During multi faiths week some of the children enjoyed playing meditative music. They said it made them feel calm, joyful, peaceful and empowered!

We are very excited to report that we have taken delivery of 30 saplings from the Woodland Trust!! We have ten each of Rowan, Wild Cherry and, my favourite, Silver Birch. Because of existing conditions and the canopy in our school forest area, it is not suitable to plant the saplings there. Instead, we are going to plant them around the school grounds and also on the field next to St. Michaels, which is owned by St. Michael's Church. With a little care and attention, these saplings should grow to provide some shade and privacy as well as to support some of our local wildlife and our own wellbeing. Father Peter came along during National Tree Week to help us plant some of the saplings, saying a blessing over them.


Woods and trees are essential.

For people. For wildlife. For life.

During Anti-bullying week, the children in Forest School Club decorated stones with kind words and placed them carefully in the forest area.

We have been having so much fun with our new Hoop La game! Thank you for making it Mrs Rogazinska!

We remembered those who have fallen in war and conflict .

Children in the Reception classes had a lot of fun creating firework pictures in the forest!

This week the children in YR and Nursery have been exploring the forest, learning how to keep safe - and having fun!

These are Worry Dolls which some of the children made during World mental Health Day. Something of their own making that they can talk to if they feel anxious.

The children in Year 1 made their own Forest Friend, a bit like a Worry Doll, to help them during any anxious moments.

During Space Week, children in Year 1 created their own, new planet using interesting things they found in the forest.

While children in Y2 made their own planets using card and wool.

During International Languages Day, the children sang French songs and played Boules.

Some of the children have been looking after our Reflection Area.

It is starting to look truly beautiful now. Many, many thanks to those of you who brought in plants and flowers - we really appreciate it!

What we got up to last year in Forest School.

Children attending the Forest School Club made their own paintbrushes using sticks, leaves, feathers and other natural materials. (Finger painting is also great fun)!

The Year 6 children have been using compasses to find their way around the forest, looking for clues and completing challenges.

They have also been playing games, building dens and generally chilling out!

Meanwhile, some of our nurture children enjoyed using their imaginations and natural resources to make forest faces!

This week its all about bees ! Saturday 19th May is National Bee Day so the children in Early Years have been learning just how important bees are to our environment. They have enjoyed painting on wood to create their own swarm! (We also talked about ladybirds and how they eat the little green aphids on our plants).

This week is Hedgehog Awareness Week. We all think how cute they are but hedgehog numbers are seriously dwindling due to many factors such as laying Astro turf and paving over gardens, overuse of pesticides and increased traffic and road systems. The children enjoyed making hedgehogs from clay and natural materials.

Our cross is finished! Children across the school have contributed by painting small pictures. The cross now hangs in our outdoor Reflection Area.

World Earth Day

April 22nd was World Earth Day and the children in Forest School Club celebrated by making a huge 'B-earthday' cake as well as singing 'Happy B-earthday'! We talked about how important it is to look after our world.

The Coronation of King Charles III. We were very busy preparing for the coronation! Planting, gardening, painting and making sumptuous jewellery fit for a King...and Queen!

As we journey with Jesus to his cross, death and resurrection let us open our hearts and welcome him in. Wishing you a very happy, restful and blessed Easter.

There is always time to have fun in the forest with a seasonal Easter Bunny Paw Print Hunt!

I never tire of making and enjoying Easter Gardens and it seems the children feel the same.

The children have been busy painting small pictures on wood. The idea is to put them together to make a large, beautiful, colourful cross to put up in the forest.


These are children who have been chosen because of their understanding and appreciation of the ethos and principles of Forest School. They will be working together with our Eco Warriors throughout the year to look after and enhance our natural school environment. They will also be good role models to their peers and other school members when visiting our forest area for various learning activities and opportunities, demonstrating appropriate behaviour and expectations.


YR - Tommy and Zena     Y1- Caleb and Georgia   Y2- Ellie-Mae and Norah   Y3 - Tianna and Shifa


Y4 - Zayn and Shloka   Y5 - Perrine and Beau   Y6 - Alayna and Shalom 




Well! What a turnaround in the weather! From watching the blossom start to appear to wrapping up warm again and playing in the snow! The children have been busy!

The animals have been busy too! Whose footprints are these?

A squirrel's! 

Term 4 is one of my favourite terms of the year! As we enter Lent and remember the events leading up to and including the death and ressurection of Jesus, we can also wonder at the beautiful and amazing things that happen in God's world. Nature is waking up and preparing to dazzle and  astound us with it's glory. Things are happening in our school 'forest' too!

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Lyrics)

Good old song of Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world. Subscribe





We had such an enjoyable time during Children's Mental Health Week! We meditated, hugged trees and generally chilled out. It was great to have some parents join us in our Forest School for some relaxing activities and hot chocolate!

Year 3 have been practising and perfecting knots and lashing.

Year 4 have been making their own versions of dream catchers.

It has been so cold that we decided to feed the birds - although we saw the squirrels enjoying a nibble at the food too!!

We also explored how different the forest is during the frosty weather conditions. We found some ice in the mud kitchen and enjoyed the different sounds we could make on the extremely hard ground.

This is the Forest School Club project for this term...can you tell what it is going to be? (Minus the hat)!

The children had fun tying themselves into a human knot...then trying to undo it without letting go of each others hands! It was much harder than it sounds but was also great fun! 


Remembrance Day

Well-being and Forest School

We hear time and time again that being outside is good for our general well being - and it's true! Here is what some of our children say about being outside in our 'forest'.

Ayushi "The rain is beautiful".

Dragos "I like the rain because it makes plants grow, then we get things to eat".

Gabriel "I am super happy because I like all the trees".

Harvey "The sun makes me feel good".

Caleb "Forest School is calm and relaxing".

Juna "Nature makes me feel calm".

Victor "I am happy, respecting Mother Nature"

Charlene "I feel overjoyed as I get to see what nature is like".

Theo "I like being with nature. I feel happy".

Levi " Climbing trees makes me feel powerful like Spiderman".

Seweryn "I get to make things and spend time with my friends. It makes me happy".

Lewis "It's calm - I feel calm and I can make stuff".

Abraham "It's peaceful".

October the 7th was World Smile Day where we were encouraged to do a simple act of kindness for someone to make them smile. Some children found this really easy to do by making clay smiles and sharing their creation with others. Click on the document and take a look - it certainly made me smile!!


At the beginning of Term 1, we were saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In her honour, the children from Forest School Club made tributes using various materials.

Children in Year 1 have been excited to find important features in our forest area which help with following instructions and directions.

What happened last year at St Michael's Forest School.


We were excited to announce the arrival of a mud kitchen to our Forest School area! Many thanks to Mrs Rogazinska for making it during the school break. I am sure the children will enjoy using it!

The nursery children enjoyed collecting natural items safely to make pictures. They also remembered to wash their hands afterwards!

During the warm weather in Term 5, the children have enjoyed a variety of activities. From painting on wood and weaving Mandala patterns to team and group games and activities. Following our progression of skills, both Year 5 and Year R have enjoyed Scavenger Hunts!


YR used pictorial clues to find objects, collecting them in small bags.








Year 5 used written, cryptic clues to find objects during their Scavenger Hunt. It made them think and it sometimes helps to ask a friend!

Did you know that Friday, 22nd of April was Earth Day? To celebrate this, the children attending our Forest School Club made an Earth Day Birthday cake using mud, sticks, stones and leaves. They had a great time collecting all the resources then making and decorating the cake! They then found sticks and stones to bang together, making lots of noise as they sang 'Happy Birthday'! As our planet is more than 4.54 billion years old we decided not to use any candles!

Checkout the documents below to find out more about the benefits and ethos of Forest School at St Michael's. You will also find other documents and information highlighting the benefits of nature and being outdoors.

Forest School and Ecotherapy
