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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

Get in contact with us

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Thank you for taking the time to consider St Michaels RC Primary School for your child.  Choosing the right primary school is such a major decision for any family and we appreciate that you will need to take your time to look around. So feel free to learn as much as you can about our school before making your decision.


Parents will need to apply using the Medway Admissions Form on the Medway Council Website. Applications are made through the Local Authority and not directly to us. However we will need you to complete the supplementary form which is also on this page and return it to the school.

Consultation on Admissions 2025-2026


St Michael's RC Primary School is consulting on our 2025-2026 Admissions Policy from 20th December 2023 until 22nd January 2024. We would welcome any feedback / comments you may have. If you wish to respond to the consultation , please email by 22nd January 2024, marked for the attention of Admissions.

Admissions Policy and Procedures for 2025-2026

Admissions Consultation Letter for 2025-2026

Admissions policies for the 2024/25 years and the accompanying supplementary form. As well as forms for "in year admissions" and Appeals

A member from our school team will be happy to give you a personal tour of the school on any day that suits you.  You can see our pupils at work, talk with their class teachers and meet with our head teacher to gain a thorough overview of our school and to begin to gauge whether this is the right school for your son or daughter.

The school participates in the local authority’s Fair Access Protocol to allocate places to vulnerable and other children in accordance with the School Admission Code 2014. Admitting pupils under the protocol may require the school to admit above the planned admission number for the relevant year group.

In year/casual admissions


For parents and carers who wish for their child to join our school in another year group other than Reception class/Early years, this is called an "in year/casual admission".


An application must be made to the school by submitting Medway's Local Authority " in year/casual admission form" to the school alongside our Supplementary Information Form. (SIF)


Parents/carers will be notified of the application outcome with 15 days of receipt of the application forms.


Parents/carers who have been refused a place at the school for their child have the right to appeal.


The appeals form needs to be completed and sent back into the school.

Reception Admissions

You need to apply for a place in Reception, even if your child is already a pupil in the Nursery.


Nursery Admissions

Children may be admitted into the Nursery class at the beginning of the term following their 3rd birthday, if a place is available. St. Michaels RC Primary offers five part time sessions (either morning or afternoon) each week throughout the school year.


Nursery places are limited. To be considered for a place in the Nursery, you will need to complete an application form. Any application will be considered using the school’s admission criteria as laid out in our Admissions Policy.


Medway Council is responsible for coordinating the allocation of school places in Medway. They provide detailed information about the application process.

