Mini Vinnies
Meet the Mini Vinnies
Our Mission
As a member of Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference in my world by:
- Caring for, respecting and loving myself.
- Strengthening my friendship with Jesus by praying each day and talking to others about him.
- Caring for others in my school and social community by befriending those who are alone, needy or in trouble.
- Contributing to the happiness of my family by my willing help, respect, consideration, joy and kindness.
- Caring for, appreciating, enjoying and maturing God’s creation, the environment.
- Treating others the way I would like them to treat me.
Our Responsibilities
As Mini Vinnie's it is our role to lend a helping hand to those in need. Our goal is to help as many people in our local community as possible.
It is our responsibility to give alms by;
- Organizing and running of fundraising events,
- Working alongside the Prayer Leaders to help our community grow their faith by sharing our love of God,
- Donate our time to better our school areas such as litter picking outside the school gates,
- Working alongside the Eco-Warriors to keep our school as sustainable as possible, bettering children's understanding of how to keep our community safe and sustainable for all,
Mini Vinnie Prayers
Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents.
Lord, show us who needs our help.
Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry.
Lord, open our hearts to love and
comfort those who are sad and lonely.
Lord, let us share our time, gifts
and talents with those in need.
Lord, help us to care for the sick.
Lord, may we all help and support each
other as Mini Vinnies to build a better world.
Lord, open our eyes that we may see the deepest needs of your people.
Move our hands that we may feed the hungry.
Touch our hearts that they may bring warmth to those who are sad.
Let us share our time and possessions with those in need.
Give us the care that strengthens the sick.
May we all be a source of support and encouragement for each other as we strive to build a more loving society.
Events Timetable
Mini Vinnies Achievements
Mini Vinnie Bake Sale
The Mini Vinnies did a fantastic job running the charity bake sale. We thank everyone for their generous donations. With your help we were able to raise around £250 to be shared between the four charities. Watch this space for more events that will help our local community!
Mini Vinnies Assembly
The Mini Vinnies performed so well during their assembly. They feel very proud of their achievement and spent many lunch times practicing. Both KS1 and KS2 assemblies were fantastic!
Harvest Festival
We are blown away by the parents generosity towards their local community. We received a fantastic amount of donations and we appreciate everyone’s sacrifice. We learn through Jesus feeding the 5000 that we should strive for equality to all. The donations you gave have helped those who are in desperate need and all the food collected was donated to The Food Bank. We thank everyone who was able to donate!
The Mini Vinnies worked so hard with the Prayer Leaders on the Harvest Festival! They truly worked beautifully as a team and came together to make posters which they then posted around the school. The felt so much pride helping the food bank staff load the food into the van and were so grateful to everyone who donated.
House Charities
Each house at St Michael's has chosen a charity that they wish to help by fundraising and donate what we can. These charities will receive the donations from the events the Mini Vinnies lead. Please do take a look at the websites for these charities if you're looking for any way to help our local communities.
St Therese of lisieux
St Lucy
St Joan of Arc
St Bernadette
Mini Minutes
September 20th 2023
- Mini Vinnies introduction- Meet your new Mini Vinnie team.
- Discussed plans from last year- do we wish to change anything? St Bernadette- Change from food collections to Tag Day. St Therese- Change from sponsored read to sponsored skip
- Houses discussed planned events for this years events.
- House captains introduced to house teams.
- Roles and responsibilities discussed. Working alongside Prayer Leaders for Harvest Festival, Each house captain is responsible for ensuring their Mini Vinnies are collecting their classes donations for Harvest Festival, Mini Vinnies will be organizing and running events planned.
- Photos taken for Mini Vinnie Website
Ending with our Mini Vinnie Prayer.
Wednesday 15th November
- Starting with Mini Vinnies Prayer.
- Discussion on Assembly. What would we like the include? What song would you like to sing? How does this relate to our mission? Mini Vinnies would like mission statement, roles and responsibilities, who we are, events timetable, song- I'll be There- Jess Glynne, information about the chosen charities. To end with Mini Vinnies Prayer
- Miss Stanley to go and write assembly ready for tomorrows meeting.
Lunchtimes Thursday 16th- Wednesday 22nd
- Starting with Mini Vinnies Prayer.
- Parts given out for assembly- House Captains to explain each charity for our assembly.
- Song practice.
Continue Practice every lunch until assembly.
Monday 29th January- Wednesday 31st January
Meeting Minutes
- Start Meeting with Mini Vinnies Prayer.
- Discuss posters to be posted around the school for the bake sale. House
- House captains to make signs for house tables.
- Posters to be bright- colourful and eye catching. Housepoints awarded for posters made at home. "No Nuts" to be included on posters.
- Discuss that children can help run the bake sale after school if they gain parents permission on the day- adult help has been arranged if they are unable. (Update: around 7 Mini Vinnies were able to assist after school thanks to parent support).
Mini Vinnie Bake sale was successful thanks to the generosity of parents, carers and family. Yet again, highlighting the support to our local community.
Ending Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for providing us with the strength to help others, even in times where we may struggle ourselves. Thank you for providing us with the ability to help others and share what we have with your glorious world. Remind us to be grateful for all we have now and for what the future has in store for us. Lord, you are our light.