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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 

St. James the GreaterSt. Matthias                       

Teacher: Miss Murphy

Teaching Assistant: Miss Joanna

Teaching Assistant: Mr McConnon

Teacher: Miss Whatley

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Motlagh



Termly overview of all subjects

Key Dates

Swimming lessons- Thursday


  • PE Every Thursday 
  • Start of Term 1- Wednesday 4th September
  • Trip to Chatham Dockyard- Tuesday 10th September
  • Start of year Mass- Wednesday 11th September
  • St Michaels Feast- Wednesday 2nd October 
  • Harvest Mass- Wednesday 16th October
  • Last day of Term 1- Friday 18th October 


Learning Expectations:


Our P.E day is Thursday All children will be expected to wear their PE kit to school on their PE days. They will keep this on all day, so they do not need to bring in their daily school uniform. All children must wear a white polo shirt (logo optional), burgundy shorts, plain black shorts, or burgundy/black tracksuit bottoms. In addition, the school jumper/ cardigan should be worn to school on these days.  


It is expected that the children read every day for at least 20 minutes. Some days it would be nice for your child to read to you so that you can ask them questions about the book to test their understanding. It is also a nice time to spend together. Each child will be given a leveled book to bring home and once their book is finished they can bring it back to school to be changed after completing a quiz. Their level will be reviewed termly by the children taking a quiz based on key reading skills. 



Your child will receive their spellings on a Friday. They will then have until the following Friday to practise these before their test. Please make sure that your child also understands the meaning of the words they are learning. If your child misspells a word from the spelling list in the Friday test, the way they wrote it will be written next to the spelling in their reading journal so that parents can see the error made and continue to work on this spelling at home.




In Year 4, we love to work on our Maths skills. At home, we ask children to practice their weekly times tables focus where each week on a Friday we will complete a small quiz against the clock. Their expected at the end of the year to know their times tables from 1 - 12. To support this we encourage children to work on practising times tables out of sequence to help build on their times tables knowledge. The children all have access to an interactive times tables programme called Times Tables Rock Stars ( the children can develop their avatars in a fun way with Maths.  

Parent videos

Please have a look at our help videos for parents which help show you how we teach reading and maths in Year 4. 


Reading in Key Stage 2

KS2 reading workshop

Reading - part 1

This is part one of our parent support videos for reading.

Reading - part 2

This is part 2 of our parent support videos for reading.

Maths video

This is our parent support video for maths.

Jotter Learning Platform

At St Michael’s we subscribe to Jotter; the learning platform designed with primary schools in mind. Children are growing up in a fast-changing online world and we strive to ensure that they gain the essential skills both within and beyond school. Teachers will keep you up-to-date with your child’s learning. Your child will be able to download and upload work and complete tasks. There will be pages where much of what you see has been created by the children themselves. This is their chance to shine as they write content and collaborate on research.


Jotter gives children the opportunity to explore concepts such as wikis and blogs in a safe environment. We hope you enjoy using Jotter as much as we do. To log in please type in your child’s username and password. To obtain this information please speak to your class teacher.


At St Michael's we say three prayers a day. This is so that we can keep our relationship with God close. 


RSHE, Prayer and Liturgy 2024-2025

(Collective Worship)
