Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Key dates:
1st November: All Saints Day & KS1 Movie Night @6pm
4th November: Parent Consultations
11th November: Anti-Bullying week begins
12th November: Odd sock day
27th November: Advent Mass
2nd December: Assessment week begins
11th & 12th December: Nativity
13th December: Christmas fair
16th December: Pantomime
20th December: Last day of term
PE Days:
Children will now be asked to wear their PE kit into school on PE days.
St Matthew's PE day: Monday
St Philip's PE day: Monday
Forest School:
Wellies or boots can still be left in school for this type of activity and taken home at the end of Term as normal.
Our forest school day is a: Tuesday
There will be interventions on a daily basis. These will be available to support each child in their learning within small groups alongside the class teacher. When your child is invited to attend an intervention it is important that they attend. For your child to get the most out of their interventions, please ensure they arrive promptly at school for 8:30.
Class teachers: Miss Stanley Class teacher: Miss Ryan
Teaching assistants: Mrs Hendrikes Teaching assistant: Mrs Basha
Yearly Overview
Termly Overviews
Spellings will be given on a Monday in your child's learning journal and should be practiced at home every night for 10 minutes ready for their spelling test every Friday. These spellings should be practiced by writing them into sentences, so the children understand the meaning of each word. You will find your child’s score in their learning journals.
Your child should be reading daily and having their learning journal signed at home when they have read to you. Your child will receive 2 house points per day they have their journal signed plus an extra 5 if they had their journal signed every night! Once the book has been finished, the children will have the opportunity to complete a quiz based on the book and then change it for another of their choice related to their given reading range.
Optional learning:
Dip and Dos
You will find additional activities on the school jotter page.
Jotter learning platform:
At St Michael’s we subscribe to Jotter; the learning platform designed with primary schools in mind. Children are growing up in a fast-changing online world and we strive to ensure that they gain the essential skills both within and beyond school. Teachers will keep you up-to-date with your child’s learning. Your child will be able to download and upload work and complete tasks. There will be pages where much of what you see has been created by the children themselves. This is their chance to shine as they write content and collaborate on research.
Jotter gives children the opportunity to explore concepts such as wikis and blogs in a safe environment. We hope you enjoy using Jotter as much as we do. To log in please type in your child’s username and password. To obtain this information please speak to your class teacher.
If you would like to contact your class teacher:
Please write a comment in your child's learning journal- these are checked daily and any non-urgent messages will be replied to.
If your message is urgent then please do contact the school office to arrange a return phone call or an appointment.
Parent Videos
Collective Worship 2023-2024
Term 6
Term 5
Term 4
Term 3
Trust In God
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture Exodus 3:14. We discussed how Moses trusted in God and reflected upon how we can do the same. We thought about how God helped and guided Moses and created our own special prayer to ask God to help us to help others.
The candle of peace:
This week in Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture John 14:27 and thought about how Jesus gave us peace and told us not to be afraid. The children discussed how they could be peacemakers in their school, homes and community.
A better world through education
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture proverbs 16:16, we discussed how we think knowledge and wisdom is better than gold or silver. We reflected on the teachings of God and what he'd want us to do in school today to show we value our education.
Remembrance day:
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture Joshua 1:9, we thought about why it was important to remember those who fought for our freedom. We shared our Collective Worship lesson with Father Peter and spoke about how soldiers are similar to our Patron Saint St Michael.
Being a Samaritan:
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture Luke 10:25-37 and thought about what makes a good Samaritan. We reflected on a picture of The Good Samaritan and learnt we can help those in need. We reflected on the teachings of our Mass for all Saints Day and thought about how saints and Good Samaritans love others and how we should do the same.
Compassion for the world:
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time we reflected on the scripture James 2:14-17 and thought about how we show compassion for the world. The children reflected on their catholic social teachings and thought they could give food, help others, care for everyone, put others before themselves and show love.
Treating others with love:
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time we reflected on the scripture Matthew 7:12 and thought about how we should treat other people as we would like to be treated. The children reflected on this by drawing pictures to show how they care for each other.
Offering our gifts:
This week during Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture Nehemiah 10:39, we thought about how Nehemiah shared the gifts God gave him with his fellow Israelites. We reflected on how we use our gifts from God to make our school reflect God's Family.
Building our community:
This week in Prayer and Liturgy time, we reflected on the scripture Matthew 7:24-27 and thought about how we could build a strong community within our school. The children reflected on the wise and foolish builders and noted if we follow God our lives will be built on strong foundations.
Collective Worship 2022-2023
Theme: Jesus does not leave us
Scripture: Acts 2:1-15
This week in collective worship we used a picture stimulus to help encourage I wonder questions about the Holy Spirit. We discussed how even when Jesus ascended into heaven he never left, we learnt that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his disciples, they were able to speak in many languages and spread the word of God. We wrote a class prayer, thanking God for sending the Holy Spirit and prayed it will guide us and others in the world to do good.
Practice Hospitality
-Hebrews 13:2
This week, year 2 reflected on what it means to be hospitable. We came up with times inside and outside of school that we are hospitable to others just as Jesus wanted. We discussed what bible stories we could think of where being hospitable was a key moral of the story. We said:
The woman at the well
The ten lepers
Jarius' daughter
The Last Supper
~ Matthew 26: 26-29 ~
This week we read the bible story on the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples, what was said and the meaning behind it. We learnt that Jesus began the Lord's supper as a special way for us to remember him and his sacrifice for us. Jesus held up bread and told us this was his body, the wine is his blood. We truly believe in this moment that Jesus is present with us. We drew pictures and wrote special messages to Jesus to show how we remember him.
Saint Matthews class assembly 22nd March 2023:
The meaning behind Easter.
Saint Matthew's class performed a fantastic assembly all about the true meaning behind Easter to their parents, carers and pupils in KS1. The children thought deeply about the celebration coming up shortly and reflected on the Lenten period we are learning about.
During their assembly, children engaged in fantastic role plays, dancing and singing. Everyone especially loved 'Oh happy day'. The message behind Easter was discussed and everyone left the assembly grateful for Jesus' sacrifice for us and we now know it is not just about the chocolate eggs some of us may receive!
Each and every child worked extremely hard and should be as proud of themselves as all the adults are. We definitely have superstars in the making... well done year 2!
This week in collective worship we reflected on the theme 'compassion' we thought about what compassion means and how we through our faith should show compassion to others. We read the scripture Luke 9:10-17 and considered how Jesus showed compassion to the 5000 people he fed. We discussed moments when we had shown compassion and what Jesus would want us to learn from this parable. We made a kindness jar for our peers in class, if they ever feel sad, they're able to take a note from the kindness jar to make them feel happy again. We thought out our catholic social teaching values and thought the values of 'thinking of everyone and putting people in most need first' linked well to our scripture.
What you do shows who you are:
Good Fruit:
In collective worship this week we read the scripture Matthew 12:33-35, we thought about the meaning of the scripture and how the 'good fruit' is reference to us as being good people. We thought about what makes us all good people, we reflected on how our thoughts, feelings, words and actions on the inside affect the chances we make and show on the outside. We thought about how we have to continue to learn and grow to be a good person, we are always learning from our mistakes, we discussed how if we have good thoughts then we will be a good person. We decorated love hearts to show all the ways we can be a good fruit and show how we have good hearts.
St Philip's class assembly 8th March 2023:
Our endangered world
St Philip's held a successful class assembly to their parents, carers and pupils in KS1.
The pupils reflected on our theme 'Endangered world' and performed a wonderful assembly about pollution, climate change and deforestation.
The parents were incredibly proud of the assembly and believed our messages were very clear. Some parents even thought about how they could do better to help our world! The children were so excited and proud to be able to deliver an assembly for our wonderful audience.
Well done St Philip we are so proud of your efforts, showmanship and dedication to your assembly!
The kingdom of God is for all
This week, we heard from Matthew's Gospel 18:12-14 The Lost Sheep. We reflected on the message that God loves everyone equally and that we are all just as important as each other. The children thought about whether one of them is more special than the other, we concluded that we are all just as important as each other. The children played a game ensuring they included everyone, they thought about how it would feel to be the lost sheep if nobody cared for them. The children wrote down the message they took from the meaning of the parable.
Ash Wednesday
(John 15:4)
This week, year 2 attended mass for Ash Wednesday where we collected our ashes. We learnt that Lent is all about thinking, following and believing Christ. We make time for prayers and say sorry to God for our sins so that we have an honest relationship with God. We looked at the Catholic Social Teachings to reflect upon which we think link best to Lent and why. God always shows his love for us so we decided to by make a Lenten promise to show our love and dedication to Our Father.
Living Water
John 4:13-14
This week, we used the scripture to influence our collective worship table. We thought about the catholic social teaching and reflected upon which ones link to our scripture and why.
Jesus was a peacemaker and he made peace with the samaritan lady and shared the teachings of God. We thought of many ideas on how we can help others such as:
-Sharing a smile
-Helping other when they feel down
-Always being a good friend
-Fundraise for charity
-Look after our world and things living on it.
We thought about the meaning of Advent as being the countdown to Christmas when we celebrate The birth of Jesus Christ our saviour and we made our own advent promise candles too.
A good hostess
Luke 10:38-42
We discussed the scripture and learnt about Martha and Mary, we discussed as a class how we thought Mary made the right choice as she gave Jesus her time. We also discussed how Martha didn't make the wrong choice, she was trying to be a good host to Jesus. From the scripture we have learnt important lessons from both Martha and Mary, we have learnt from Mary that the most important thing we can give people is our time however from Martha we can learn it is important to be a friendly face and a good host. We thought about how we can be a good host like Martha when a new child joins our class.
The Creation Story
Genesis 1:1-31
Genesis 2:1-4
We decorated stones showing the creations of God from our scripture. The stones will be used to create a pathway into our whole school reflection area. Children enjoyed reflection time listening to calming music and letting their creativity flow.
The best advice
Proverbs 1:8-9
This week, we have discussed the meaning of the word 'wise'. Solomon wanted to share wise sayings from God to help all his people live their lives to the fullest, by teaching them God's way of life. He was giving them God's advice and spreading peace. Children in Year 2 thought of many ways in which we can show wisdom including 'always being kind to people', 'always keeping God's faith', following Gods 10 commandments'.
Remembrance Day
Psalm 34:14
In Collective Worship this week, Year 2 reflected on the meaning of sacrifice. We read the scripture Psalm 34:14 and discussed how Jesus sacrificed his life for the greater good of everyone by spreading God's word. This linked to the hero's who lost their lives for us during WW1 as they too sacrificed their lives to help everyone move on and live a peaceful life. Children each decorated a poppy as a mark of respect in which we collated to make a poppy wreath. Some children decided to decorate their poppy purple to recognise the animals who sacrificed their lives too.
Saint Matthew's Class Assembly
St Matthews performed an incredible class assembly to parents/careers and friends in KS1 today all about Remembrance Day.
We reflected upon the meaning of sacrifice, what it meant to Jesus and what this means to us today. More recently, we discussed how due to the COVID pandemic lots of people made sacrifices for the greater good to be kind and considerate to everyone. The children sang the touching songs 'We'll meet again' by Vera Lynn and 'Goodbyee-ee' beautifully and with expression.
Children wrote a moving prayer to God thanking him for the incredible people who fought for our country during WW1 and for those who still work tirelessly for us today whether that be soldiers in the army, police offices, emergency services and NHS workers.
Well done St Matthews, you should be very proud of yourselves!
Let the children come
Mark 10:13-16
We thought about how we are made and loved by God. We responded to the scripture and thought about how Jesus loves and welcomes everybody. Going forth, we thought about ways we can love and welcome everybody and wrote special messages of love to God.
Being a good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-27
In Collective Worship Year 2 discussed what it means to be a good Samaritan, we read the scripture Luke 10:25-37 and discussed the meaning behind what we had read. We discussed the message of the Scripture, we decided the message behind this scripture is to teach us to follow the word of God, care for and love everybody. We spoke about the traits a good Samaritan should have and how we can be good Samaritans ourselves.
St Philip's Class Assembly:
St. philip’s class presented an amazing assembly to parents/careers and friends in KS1.
We reflected upon our learning of the lonely beast and thought about the beautiful settings he explored. We thought about how Christopher Columbus explored our beautiful world and we thanked God for his glorious creation. we have made our prayers of thanks to God and reflected upon ways to look after and protect his precious gift to us.
This week in year 2, we have discussed the story of the wise and foolish man. We role- played conscience alley and thought about how good foundations we make now will set us up for a happy and stable life.
We wrote a promise prayer to Jesus stating how we would be wise like the wise man in the parable. We considered how our school values help us to make wise choices.
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
After the sad news of Her Majesty the Queen passing, children came together to quietly reflect on the wonderful achievements she had done during her time as our longest reigning monarch. We all wrote an individual prayer to the Queen and paid our respects.
In year 2 the children had fun discussing what it means to show compassion. We thought of different ways in which we show compassion both inside and out of school in the likeness of God. Acting these ways out made us realise how many things we do regularly without even thinking about it, showing how our faith is always with us.
FLOURISHING TOGETHER: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
In collective worship this week we have considered what it means to 'flourish'. We have thought about how we can 'flourish' together as a school community, we discussed how flourishing means to work hard to be successful. We have thought about how we flourish in our own lives and how we can ask Jesus to support us on our journeys throughout life.
Support Your Child at Home!
Please see the videos below that outline how you can support your child at home with their reading and maths learning. The reading videos explain how we use the VIPERS acronym to teach the different reading skills which are: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and sequencing.
The maths videos outline topics such as addition and subtraction, number facts and number bonds, and part part whole models.