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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Eco Warriors

ECO warriors.


At St Michael,s RCP School and Nursery, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainability. Our eco mission is to educate and inspire our students, staff and community to become stewards of the environment. We are committed to reducing our ecological footprint through sustainable practices, and engage in initiatives that promote conservation and eco-consciousness. Together, we strive to create a greener, healthier and more sustainable future for our school and the world.



Our Roles and Responsibilities.

  • To attend regular meetings with other Eco Warriors
  • To take ideas and suggestions to and from the class and feedback to the rest of the team
  • To raise awareness about sustainability
  • To encourage all members of St Michael’s to be respectful citizens by recycling, saving energy, conserving resources and caring for the environment
  • To teach all members of St Michael’s to have good habits for the future by valuing themselves and our environment 
  • To always carry out their responsibilities as an eco-warrior
  • To organise re-cycling, litter picking and monitor water usage.



Meet our Eco Warriors


Our school council is formed of 12 pupils, who were elected by their class members, to represent the views of all pupils and to improve our school. Our group of children are made up of KS1 and KS2 pupils.




Year 1.

Year 2.

Year 3.

Year 4.

Year 5.

Year 6.

Eco Achievement

ECO projects.

Walk on Wednesdays.


Every week, our eco-warriors collect data from their class to see who has walked on a Wednesday. The class with the most walkers wins. They receive a WOW certificate and an award to present in their classroom for the week.

The children who walk five weeks out of a term will receive an amazing designed badge.

Badges to collect this summer

Competition time.

Week 20th -24th May is walk to school week. 

Next week is a five-day walking challenge, this is the perfect activity to run as part of our walk-to-school campaign.

The class with the most walkers will receive a certificate to celebrate their achievement.

Good Luck!
