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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Year 3

St Thomas' Class

Teacher: Mrs Sliney

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Singh

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tank

St John's Class

Teacher: Mrs Stanczyk

Teaching Assistant: Mr Burling

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tank


Dates for your Diary


Term 3

8th January- Egyptian Hook- Dress up day

17th January- New year disco 6-7:30pm

29th January - Candlemas Mass

7th February- Cake sale 

11th February- Safer Internet Day  

13th February- St. Thomas class assembly

13th February - Parent forum

14th February- End of Term 3






This term your child's PE day is on Wednesdays. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day ensuring that all items are labelled. Remove any earring when possible, if unable, please let the class teacher know and cover the earrings with earring covers and ensure children have long hair tied up.


There will be interventions on a daily basis. These will be available to support each child in their learning. For your child to get the most out of their interventions, please arrive promptly at school for 8:30.


Every child is expected to read for at least 20 minutes per night and have their learning journal signed by an adult to show that they have read. House points will be given for daily reading at the end of each week.

When your child has finished reading a book, they will complete a STAR reading quiz to check their understanding and comprehension of what they have read.



Weekly spellings will be given on a Monday morning and will be tested every Friday. Please encourage your child to practice and use them in sentences to help with their understanding of the meaning. If your child misspells a word from the spelling list in the Friday test, the way they wrote it will be written next to the spelling in their reading journal so that parents can see the error made and continue to work on this spelling at home.


Times Tables


In year 3, their target times tables are to know and recall their 3s, 4s, 8s times tables along with the 2s, 5s and 10s from previous year. Please encourage them to practice this daily. Below are some of the links to help with this. Please encourage your child to engage with TTRockstars. This a fun interactive app for your child to enjoy and learn with. The children can receive a special award for being the TTRockstar of the week!


Purple Mash

PurpleMash tasks will be set on Mondays and will have a deadline of Friday each week. This is another interactive way of encouraging some fun learning at home. The children will be given 25 housepoints for completing PurpleMash homework.



Contact your Teacher


If you wish to contact your child's class teacher, please write a note in their learning journal which is checked daily. We will respond as swiftly as possible. If the matter is urgent, please feel free to contact the main office who may be able to assist you, book you in an appointment to see your teacher or send through an urgent phone call.

Parent videos


Please have a look at our support videos to see how we teach maths and reading in year 3. 


Reading in Key Stage 2

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division


Collective Worship

As a Catholic Primary School Collective Worship plays a fundamental part of a daily school life and enables us to join together as one in prayer and worship.



Collective Worship 2023-2024

Theme: Preparing for Advent

Scripture: Colossians 1: 15-20


15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent. 19 For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.



This week the children explored how we can prepare for the coming of Jesus during this Advent period. The children reflected on the scripture and discussed how we can show our love and faith the God. They went for a nature walk through the school outdoor areas to find gifts from God. The children said a prayer to God thanking Him for all the gifts he has given us and explored how we can show our preparation for Jesus through caring for these gifts.

Theme: Preventing War


Scripture: Corinthians 5:19

in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.


This week the children explored scripture surrounding very relevant issues in today's society. They discussed and reflected on what happens during war and how it is harmful to so many innocent lives. The children explored what they can do to help in the prevention of wars by reflecting on their own peacemaking. The Prayer Leaders led them in their deep thinking about what they do in life that would be beneficial for leaders of the world to magpie from them with regard to being peacemakers. The explained how our Lord and Savior gave His life for us and that, that in itself, shows what sacrifice is. They linked this beautifully to how we may need to make sacrifices for harmony to take place.

Theme: Helping People Through Difficult Times.


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1 3:4

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.


This week the children reflected on how everyone can fall into difficult times. They discussed why we need to go through struggles in life and how they can help others when it is there time for struggle. The children explored this through the scripture and suggested that things such as praying for, listening too and assisting those that may need an extra helping hand. The children then wrote cards for someone they know who has been struggling with something. In their cards they explained what they can do to help.

Theme: Self-Control


Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.


This week the children explored this scripture and expressed how it relates to having self-control. The discussed and explored different scenarios and how Jesus would want them to react in these moments. They prayer Leaders worked hard with the class to get great thoughtful answers to their difficult questioning. The finished with a task to role-play different situations and showed how they can keep their self-control during this.

Theme: Remember, Remember


Scripture: Matthew 5: 44-45

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be the sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.


This week the children reflected on those who have lost their lives in battles. We celebrated the soldiers and saints lost in battle by reflecting on the scripture and exploring how this shows God’s love for all- enemies included. We linked this to Jesus' teachings on loving your neighbour and treating others the way you want to be treated. The children used card, tissue paper, glitter and glue to create beautiful poppies in memory of those lost.

Theme: Helping People

Scripture: Hebrews 13:16

‘Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.’



This week the children discussed and reflected on how we can help others. They explored what they can do in their day to day lives to give alms to others and how God wants us to be caring and share with those in in most need- linking this to the CST concept ‘putting those in most need first’. The children reflected on how we can do this within a school setting using the example of having a new student join the class. The children made cards that encouraged new students to join their play and foster good friendships within the school.

Theme: Miracles of Jesus


Scripture: Act 3:16

'And his name—by faith in his name—has made this man strong whom you see and know, and the faith that is through Jesus 1 has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all.'


This week the children reflected on the miracles of Jesus. They discussed the scripture and thanked God for feeding the 5000. The children broke bread and shared this within the class. We explored how this shows the power of of God and why this shows God's love for us.

Theme: St Michaels Feast

St Michaels Prayer:


St. Michael the Archangel, 
defend us in battle. 
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .



This week the children celebrated St Michaels Day Feast. We praised our Patron Saint with a whole school Mass, singing beautiful hymns and reflecting on the Gospel. The children decorated a feather that is going on a whole school display in honour of St Michael and had a celebration party with a special ice cream treat!

Theme: Resilience 


Scripture: Corinthians 16:13

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."


This week the children reflected on how we can teach others to be resilient. The children discussed how God being with us always, helps us to stay focused and never give up. Our Prayer Leaders did a wonderful job of leading the Collective Worship for the first time and reflected beautifully on the scripture with the class. We explored how we can help others to remember God's words and know that through the Holy Spirit we can keep God close, holding onto our faith during difficult times. The children reflected, through role-play, how they can help other to be resilient.

Theme: Stopping War


Scripture: Isaiah 2: 1-5

"This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD"


The children explored the scripture together discussing why fighting happens around the world and what we can do to help those who are suffering. They discussed how we can bring peace and harmony to our communities and spread the word of God to others. The children wrote a prayer asking God to help those who are in need of guidance during difficult times.

Theme: Prayers for our Year


We started our Collective Worship journey by discussing what we need to help us learn this year. We asked our Father for guidance and wrote prayers asking him to help us to make the right choices this year. We added our prayers to our reflection tree.

Collective Worship 2022-2023


This week in our class Collective Worship, we reflected the scripture from Matthew 7:24-27.

We wondered what Jesus meant about ‘building our life on the rock’ and how can we build a strong school community. We shared together our school Mission Statement and discussed our school circle values. 



Theme: Remembering Elizabeth II

We have set up a reflection area in our classroom to pay respect and created our own personal prayers to thank our Queen for everything that she has done for our nation during her monarchy. 

We thought around the scripture from book of Revelation 21:4 ''He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Theme: God is always with us

This week, we listened to the song called 'The God who sees everything' by Andrew Thompson and reflected the Psalm 5 verse 21 'God watches all of us constantly. He sees everything. We cannot hide from Him or keep any secret from Him'. 

We discussed what can we learn from this verse and wrote our own thanksgiving prayers to Jesus for looking after us together with His father. 

Theme: PEACE

This week in our Collective Worship session, we reflected on the scripture from Matthew 5:9 
'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God'.

We have wondered how can we be a good peacemaker in this days. We have created our own masterpieces representing PEACE and created a class prayer.

God of love,
We pray for peace in our world and an end to war.
Instead of hatred, let there be love.
Shelter your children and protect us.
Guide us and keep us from harm,
so we can build a world of love and live our lives in peace.

Theme: St. Michael's Feast 

This week we have celebrated the feast of St. Michael. We have reflected on life of our school patron by taking an active part in Mass and by finding out more about Him. We all agreed that St. Michael is our school role model and we would like to be like Him. In class, we danced with happiness and showed our compassion to our patron. We enjoyed eating delicious ice-creams and looked forward to inspire others to be like St. Michael.   

Theme: Friendship 

This week, in our Collective Worship reflection, we thought about friendship. We used the scripture from Matthew 5:12 to evaluate what the passage is trying to tell us. We all agreed that Jesus needed friends in His life just the same like us. 


We role played to the story and made a list of things that we like to do with our loving friends. 

Theme:  Loved by God the call to love others

This week in our Collective worship we reflected on scripture from the book of John. We discussed why Jesus asks us to love one another and why the words are so important these days. 


We have created our own class prayer book and thought about how we can spread love among all of us.

Together we reflected the meaning of the words 'Let there be love among us' as well as singing the song beautifully in class.



St John's Class Assembly 20th October 2022


St John's held a successful class assembly to their parents, carers and pupils in KS2. 

The pupils reflected the theme 'Believe in yourself' and performed a wonderful assembly about their experience being in the lower junior.


We are so incredibly impressed and proud to be able to deliver an assembly for the wonderful audience as well showing a lot of gratitude for all parents and carers who came to participate in our special time.

Theme: All Saints 

This week in our Collective Worship, we celebrated All Saints. We reflected on the holy people who are believed to be very close to God and have special powers to help us. Pupils in our class celebrated All Saints day by lighting candles and going to church.


We have created our own class Litany of the Saints.


                                                                   St. Michael pray for us,

St. John pray for us,

St. Mother Teresa pray for us,

St. John Paul II pray for us,

St. Patrick pray for us,

St. Andrew pray for us,


Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.



Theme: Peace John 14:27

Today, in our Collective Worship lesson, we reflected around the theme of PEACE.

We wondered around how can we be a good peacemaker in this day and age and what can we do to spread the peace around other people. 


We have made our own poppies in act of remembering those who sacrificed for us a long time ago. 

Anti-Bullying Week

In our Collective Worship this week, we reflected on anti-bullying. We discussed what it means to be a bully and how we can avoid this. We had an in-depth discussion about how we can be kind to others whilst also discussing what we would do if we experienced being bullied and/or if you knew someone who was being bullied. We also looked at cyber-bullying and the differences of such. We also had an assembly dedicated to anti-bullying and the 'Reach Out' ideas. We had created our own posters representing how we can STOP BULLYING.



Theme: Caring Hands 

This week in our Collective worship we have reflected the Psalm 102 and thought how our Lord is caring for us on a daily basis. We wrote our own prayers to God our Lord to ask Him to always help us to use the correct paths through our lives. 


Dear Lord, 

Please help us to trust You and love You always even when is so difficult. 

Guide us through our daily lives and protect us from the bad choices.

With your caring hand everything is possible.


Theme: What are you thankful to God for? 

This week in our Collective Worship we have wondered around the Psalm 138 and tried to think why we should be thankful to God. We come up with great conclusions and recorded our work in class big book.


''We are super grateful God for our super talents''- Tianna

''Kind David was a wise man and he told us to be thankful God for our gifts and talents''- Enoch

''God gave us everything to be able to serve for others''- Kate


Theme: Friendship- Matthew 4:18-22

This week in Collective Worship we reflected around FRIENDSHIP. We role-played to different scenarios showing our great FRIENDSHIP TOWARDS OUR PEERS in school and said thanks to God for our friends whilst singing a song 'Count on me' by Bruno Mars.


The children in Year 3 gathered around the Christmas tree to reflect on the True Meaning of Christmas. Thanks for all parents and carers who came to participate in our special time. We have created our Church pictures based on the theme of carols.


Theme: Gifts Matthew 2:11

This week we wondered around 'Why gifts are important in our lives?' We have created our own class book and answered the question 'What gifts can we offer and share with others in school this year?'

We finished our reflection with a prayer:

Dear God,
The Wise Men knew that Jesus was special.

Help us to remember that we can make Jesus special in our lives too.

Theme: Thinking of others

This week we have been privileged to quest in our school the CAFOD team, who shared with us their mission of helping others. We have discussed in class how can we help others and change their life by simple gestures. 

Theme: Hope  

This week in our Collective Worship session we reflected around 'HOPE' using the scripture from the book of Romans 15:13. We have made own prayers and created a group song of hope. We also role played different scenarios which shows element of hope.


Theme: Kindness  Matthew 7:12

This week in our Collective Worship we reflected around 'KINDNESS'. We thought carefully how can we show kindness towards other human beings. We drew our own pictures representing the act of kindness. 


Theme: Jesus the Light of the World

This week we reflected around the scripture John 8:12. We thought carefully on the following questions:

What did Jesus mean when He said, “I am the Light of the World”?

What does it mean to walk in the light?

What does it mean to walk with God?


We were very pleased with our creations so we decorated our class windows to let others know that Jesus is the Light of the World. 


Theme: Lent 

This week we thought around Lent. We reflected the scripture from book of Matthew 4:1-11 and made our own personal lenten promises and ask God to help us to keep them over the period of Lent.

May this season of repentance bring us the blessing of God’s
forgiveness and the gift of God’s light.

Theme: Trust and faith in God

This week in our Collective Worship session we reflected around the scripture from book of Mark 11:24.

We thought how can we spread our faith and trust in God around our school community and families. 

St. John's class assembly

On Thursday 9th March St. John class delivered the second class assembly for parents and pupils of KS2 around the friendship and how can we be the best supportive friends for our peers. 

The children praised God through prayer at the end of assembly saying these words.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for our friends and for everything that they are. Thank you for all their gifts and talents, the kindness they have shown us and the many things they have given to others. Please continue to guide us so that we may also be a good friend to others.


A truly wonderful assembly and thank you for all parents for attending.

Collective Worship 2021-2022

Celebrating Saint Michael's Day 


As part of our special St. Michael's Feast Celebration we decided to take part in Collective Worship reflection based upon 'TRUST'.

We reviewed our belongings to God and thought how can we be like Saint Michael. 


Finally we have made our own crosses to remind us to be close to God and always trust Him even if sometimes we find something difficult. 

Our stained glass windows representing Saint Michael. 

All Saints and Diwali

In first week in Term 2 we have been celebrating very special festivals in the liturgical calendar.


On 1st November we reflected the Psalm 24 ''Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, who shall stand in His holy place'' and thought about people, who have been fortunate to live in heaven alongside with God, Jesus and Mary. We have created our own prayers to be for one of the famous saint and make our own class 'Litany to Saints'.


During Diwali celebrations on 4th November, we have been inspired by Diwali music and eager to learn some different steps and movements. We also have been very creative by making a wide variety of art around Rangoli patterns and Diwali lanterns. 

Remembrance Day 11th November, 2021

Today we created our own poppies to remember the fallen soldiers, who gave up so much for us to have a better life.

St John's Class Assembly 11th November 2021


St John's held a successful class assembly to their parents, carers and pupils in KS2. 


The children reflected on 'REMEMBRANCE DAY' based on the reading from

Matthew 5:9 ''Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God''.


We thought how we can share PEACE around us and how we are so grateful to have both freedom and peace in our country. 


We would like to say a big thank you for all parents and carers for their time to participate in our special time. 


We all needs Friends- Anti-Bully week 

This week in our Collective Worship reflection we used the scripture from

1st book of Samuel 19:1-10.

We thought and reflected on how can we use one kind word towards our friends, parents, teachers and all people around us. We have created a heart of kindness, which will remind us on a daily basis that we should be so 'KIND' to others. We also have made friendship bracelets to show Jesus our LOVE to others. 


Gifts and talents- Psalm 138: 6-7

This week in our Collective Worship lesson we reflected the Psalm 138 as we were wondering why David wrote this psalm and thought what has been happening in his life. 


We thank God for our gifts and talents and reflected the prayer.

Dear God,

We thank you for our talents and gifts. Help us strive to use them all wisely for the benefit of our school community. Give us the grace to be humble, respectful and tolerant this day and all the days in our lives.


Psalm 51:1  Have mercy on me, o God

This week in our Collective Worship lesson we reflected on our lives. We asked God to forgive us for our sins and the wrong decisions we have made earlier on in the week. We offered God ourselves to promise to always stay in the right path when reflecting our lives as a whole in our Forest School. 




Matthew 2:11 Epiphany- Celebrate the gifts we bring to others 

This week in our Collective Worship we reflected the meaning of three gifts, which the Wise Men offered to baby Jesus. We also thought what gifts we can offer in New Year and created our own prayers to Jesus to help Him to guide and support us in the New Year. We enjoyed making our own crown stained glass windows as well. 




Hebrews 13:8- ''Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever''.

We reflected why it is important for Christians to know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We have created our own masterpieces on how can we see Jesus today and thought how can we be close to Him by listening to the song. 



Yesterday, Today & Forever - Vicky Beeching

He is always loving, always true, always merciful and good! Trust in the Lord your God, for He is faithful til the end! Our God is unchanging!!

John 4: 13-14    ''I am the Water of Life''

This week in Collective Worship we have reflected on Jesus being the living water. We created our own masterpieces to show this and what our interpretation of the living water is. We also created our own prayers to Jesus thanking Him for being the living water.

I am the Bread of Life  John 6:32-35


This week in our Collective Worship we discussed in class why Jesus described himself as the bread of life. 

We have made our own bread and shared with others and thanked Jesus for providing for us the right food and promised Him to fill our heart with LOVE, JOY and PEACE. 

Being kind to others   Luke 10:25-37

In this first week of Term 4 in our class Collective Worship lesson, we reflected around KINDNESS. We thought that our world needs kind, generous, gentle hands, words and actions. In the lesson we looked at the painting of  a Good Samaritan created by Vincent Van Gogh and thought how can we be like a Good Samaritan in our daily lives. We also, prayed for those, who have been discriminated and left by others and ask Jesus to give them the courage to get through their problems. 

Ash Wednesday- Matthew 4:1-11


This week in our Collective Worship we gathered together to reflect on the scripture from the book of Matthew about how Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil for forty days and nights. 


Ashes, which we have received that day reminded us that we sometimes turn away from God and that we need to turn again towards God this Lent. We have made our own class Lenten Promises and spent quality time to listen to the Lent song.  



School Lent Song (Children's Song)

St. Patrick's Day

This week, we thought upon the life of St. Patrick, which we have celebrated on March 17.

We reflected on St. Patrick's trust and faith to God and enormous dedication to spreading Jesus' word around the Irish people. 

We invited to our class Miss Smart, who kindly showed us the steps of Irish dance and Mrs White, who spoke to us using Irish language saying the 'Our Father' prayer. We really enjoyed our reflection time about St. Patrick.


St. Thomas' Class Assembly 10th March 2022


St. Thomas' class held a beautiful class assembly for their parents, carers and KS2 pupils.

The children reflected on what it means to be good friend by sharing poem and singing 'You've got a friend in me'. The pupils reflected on scripture from Luke 15:11-31, which tells the story of the Prodigal Son.


We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers, who were able to attend our special assembly. 



This week in Collective Worship we reflected the scripture from the

Luke 5:1-11 and discussed around the Humility theme.

We thought that we all have humility as we are more than capable to do something for others by showing the greatest love to Jesus. We were inspired by one of the Brownlee's brother, who helped his twin brother to finish the race, giving up the chance to win for himself, even pushing his brother over for him to get the second place instead of third. 


Theme: Hope- Mark 16:1-8

In the first week of Term 5 we gathered togather and reflected the events of Holy Week, celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus and new life. We thought that even in the most difficult situations that we might face in our lives there is always HOPE.

We have created the class HOPE TREE representing our wishes and we believe with Jesus' help everything will be abslolutely perfect. 


Theme: Message- 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

This week in our Collective Worship we have meditated and thought about messages that we can send to people that we love and care. Paul wrote in the Bible, 'You are our message to the world, written on human hearts for a message to one of the first Christians.' We considered these words and wrote our own secret messages based on what our heart wants to say and placed them in the bottle. We finished our reflection with a prayer and asked Jesus to help us hear our intentions. 



Theme: Mary our Mother - Act 1:14

During the last 2 weeks in our class Collective Worship reflections we thought about Mary, our Mother. We discussed different ways to pray to Mary and learn new songs about her. We used our class rosary to pray in the morning and ask Mary to help us in days of trouble, when we are too weak to make the right decisions. 

Also, we have created our own masterpieces of art representing Mary through our eyes. 

St. John's Class Assembly 19th May 2022


St. John's class held an amazing class assembly for their parents, carers and KS2 pupils.

The children enthuasiasticly got into the role of characters from Encanto and performed their own reflection on what it means to be different from others and why we need to work together to be able to achieve our dreams and goals in the future. The children truly enjoyed singing the song, 'We don't talk about Bruno', and shared their thoughts. We would like to say a big thank you to all parents and carers, who attended our assembly. 

Theme: Fruit of the Holy Spirit- Galatians 5:22-23

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

This week we reflected on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how it helps us to grow spiriually. We thought deeply about the passage and reviewed all the qualities that Holy Spirit can offer us on a daily basis. We have conteplated in the Forest School about each of the single fruits and ask the Holy Spirit to help us to develop good qualities in our lives. 



Theme: HOPE      The Parable of the Mustard Seed- Matthew 17:20

This week, in our Collective Worship reflection we discussed 'The Parable of the Mustard Seed'. In the Bible, Jesus talks about something very tiny. A very, very small seed called a mustard seed. We reflected on that seeds are hope carriers. If we keep hold of our hope it starts to grow little by little until before we know it, it has grown into something huge. We planted our own sunflower seeds and promised to look after them. 

Theme: LOVE IS AN ACTION!  1 Corinthians 4:13-18 

In our class Collective Worship this week, we reflected about different types of love. We thought about love between brothers and sisters and other family members, love between friends, romantic love, love you have for your favourite food or the love you feel for your pets. The Bible gives Christians a really clear description of what love is. We read the letter to the Corinihians and thought about how can we show our love to someone from our school community. We made cards for someone from our school to show our true appreciation.


Theme: 29th June Feast of Saint Paul and Peter

This week during our Collective Worship session we reflected on the Feast of Saint Paul and Peter. ​​​​We thought about Peter and Paul who are very important characters from the Early Church and painted pictures of them. 

Theme: Do not argue!  2 Timothy 2:23

This week we thought about the idea of words being like toothpaste before – once out, they cannot be taken back. Arguments are made up of lots of words that we cannot take back.



Jotter Learning Platform

At St Michael’s we subscribe to Jotter; the learning platform designed with primary schools in mind. Children are growing up in a fast-changing online world and we strive to ensure that they gain the essential skills both within and beyond school. Teachers will keep you up-to-date with your child’s learning. Your child will be able to download and upload work and complete tasks. There will be pages where much of what you see has been created by the children themselves. This is their chance to shine as they write content and collaborate on research.


Jotter gives children the opportunity to explore concepts such as wikis and blogs in a safe environment. We hope you enjoy using Jotter as much as we do. To log in please type in your child’s username and password. To obtain this information please speak to your class teacher.
