Catholic Life
'Christ is our bridge to heaven the only Way across the gulf between earthly life and eternal glory, 2000 (oil on board) by Elizabeth Wang', Copyright Bridgeman Images. All Rights Reserved
St Michael’s RC Primary School is a Catholic family of faith, following the teaching of Christ.
We strive to create an environment where all members of our school community respect the values of: Church, Independence, Resilience, Caring, Learning and Enjoyment for all. Belief in these values will nurture all as individuals and instil in them the confidence to meet their full potential, providing them with the best grounding for their future place in an ever changing world.
St. Michael's RC Primary School and Nursery, is situated in the Archdiocese of Southwark (
Please follow the links to access more information about the Catholic life of St. Michael's...
Academic Year 2023-2024
Whole School Celebrations:
Religious Festivals 2023-2024
All Faiths Week
Epiphany Mass
Christmas Nativity
Christmas Gift Appeal
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the entire school community for their generous contributions to the Christmas Gift Appeal for the Catholic Children's Society. The spirit of giving during this festive season has truly shone through, creating a brighter Christmas for those less fortunate. Thank you for embodying the true meaning of Christmas and for making a positive difference in the lives of others.
Advent Mass- Wednesday 6th December 2023
On 6th December, the entire school gathered for a special Advent Mass led by our Fr Peter. During the ceremony, our priest incorporated the school intentions box, a vessel filled with the collective hopes and prayers of our community. This unique gesture brought unity as we collectively offered our intentions during the service. The atmosphere was reverent, providing a meaningful moment for reflection and connection within our school community.
The meaning of the Advent candles
Advent is a time of hope, a time of faith, a time of joy and a time of peace.
The first candle is the candle of hope sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets especially Isaiah who foretold the birth of Christ. The second candle is the candle of faith and it is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. The third candle, the Rose one, is the candle of joy and it is called the “Shepherd’s candle and is rose because rose is the liturgical colour for joy. The third Sunday of Advent is “Gaudete Sunday” and is meant to remind us of the joy that the world experienced at birth of Jesus, as well as, the joy that we have reached in the midpoint of Advent. The fourth candle is called the Angel’s candle and symbolises peace. It reminds us about the message of the angels “Peace on Earth and Good Will towards all”.
St. Michael's children bless the Earth in National Tree Week
During the National Tree Week, our students enthusiastically participated in a tree-planting initiative, turning a patch of their school grounds into a budding forest. The saplings, generously donated by the Woodland Trust were lovingly planted by the children with guidance from Mrs Champ and blessings from our priest Fr Peter. This collaborative effort not only contributed to the local greenery but also instilled a sense of environmental responsibility in the young hearts of St. Michael's.
The Feast of Saint Cecilia 22nd November
The pupils joyfully celebrated the Feast of Saint Cecilia, immersing themselves in the beauty of music and hymns. Inspired by the courage of Saint Cecilia, they reflected beautifully about being courageous and how to use their talents to help each other out.
All Saints Mass
As a whole school, we cherished the moments when children attended All Saints Mass. It was a precious moment, seeing the pupils and staff embrace cherished traditions and allowing the hope of spirituality to shine brightly in the shared journey. During the Mass, Fr Peter reminded us of the beauty of faith through the eyes of the saints and why they are so important to admire.
Harvest of Giving
As we unite to support our local Medway Food Bank during this year's Harvest season, it's heartwarming to witness the overwhelming generosity of our school community. The act of collecting donations from our students and staff reflects our collective commitment to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Each contribution, no matter how big or small, embodies the spirit of compassion and selflessness. Together, we are sowing the seeds of kindness, ensuring that our Harvest season is not only one of abundance but also of goodwill and empathy.
Harvest Mass- Wednesday 11th October 2023
Today, our school hosted a heartwarming Harvest Mass presided over by a retired priest Fr Baker, who continues to be an integral part of our community. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and unity as students, teachers and staff gathered to celebrate the bountiful Harvest of the season. The priest delivered a touching sermon, emphasising the importance of sharing and giving thanks for the gifts of nature.
Following the Mass, Fr Baker blessed the food that would be donated to those in need, reinforcing the spirit of charity that our school stands for. It was a poignant reminder of the values we hold dear and a beautiful way to come together as a school family.
The Rosary Prayer
Every day, the children at our school come together in the Reflection Area to say a prayer to Mary. This daily ritual is a beautiful and unifying tradition, fostering a sense of community and spirituality among the students. It's a moment of quiet reflection, where the children connect with their faith and with each other. This practice not only strengthens their spiritual values but also creates a sense of togetherness and peace in our school environment. We welcome parents and carers to come and join us every day at 3pm in our school Reflection Area.
Harvest Festival displays
We decorated our school with the beauty of nature to set the festive mood. A positive atmosphere filled the air, knowing that our harvest would not only bring joy to our celebration but also provide for those in need through our food donations.
Feast of Saint Michael
The school buzzed with excitement as everyone came together to celebrate the Feast of Saint Michael. We had a mass to celebrate that special day of the year and reflected on how we can be like our patron. The day was filled with games, music, stories about Saint Michael and delicious ice creams fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for everything that has been given to us.
Deanery Mass at St. John Fisher School
On 20th September we gathered in one place, united by our faith and shared an educational journey with other Catholic schools. It was a positive tone for the year ahead, reminding us of the importance of community and spirituality in our academic pursuits.
Beginning of Year Mass at St. Michael's Church
On Wednesday 13th September, we celebrated the start of the new school year together as a school community by sharing a beautiful Mass. With hearts filled with gratitude for the privilege of being followers of Jesus Christ, we thank Jesus for the light and guidance that He brings into our lives.
Prayer Liturgy (Collective Worship) themes 2023-2024
Mass Timetable 2023-2024
Term 1
Term 2
Collective Worship
We believe that Christian worship in a Catholic school is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Click on the link below to look at each year group's collective worship
Religion Termly Newsletters 2023-2024
Termly newsletters are sent out to all parents to let them know what topics we are covering and special dates that you can celebrate at home whilst the children discuss them at school. Please see the below for all of our newsletters.
Circle Values
Our Catholic ethos is central to all that we do. We promote our school C.I.R.C.L.E values which are in keeping with our distinctive Catholic nature.
Embracing Our Catholic Ethos through Charitable Initiatives
Discover how we bring our Catholic values to life through charitable initiatives. Click below to explore our charitable activities and the impact we make in our community.
Diocesan Report
RE and Catholic Life Inspections (Section 48)
Every school in the Archdiocese of Southwark is inspected under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. These inspections evaluate the Catholic life of the school, the provision and quality of collective worship, as well as all areas of RE. This inspection process helps ensure that all Catholic schools continue to develop in order to fulfil their mission of making Christ know.
There are two types of School Inspection. Section 5 is the OFSTED whole school Inspection and Section 48 is the RE Inspection that is carried out in schools that have a religious character. OFSTED has no remit to inspect the RE provision in a school designated as having a religious character and do not pass judgement on this area of school life in their inspection process at St Michael's RC Primary and Nursery
Catholic life is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- The Catholic Life of the school
- Collective Worship
Leadership of Catholic life and collective worship is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- Leadership of Catholic life and collective worship
Religious Education is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- Leadership of Religious Education
- How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education
- The quality of teaching and how purposeful learning is in Religious Education
- The Curriculum in Religious Education and the “Catholic Curriculum”
RE and Catholic Life Inspections take place every 5 years with an interim monitoring visit on the third year to ensure that all previous judgements are still sound and to review progress.
Please read our most recent Section 48 Report here
Visit our polices page to see our catholic life policies.
The Way the Truth and the Life
We follow 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' scheme as the main teaching resource to support the teaching of the RE curriculum. This scheme of work exposes the children to the full catholic teaching and allows the children to embed its teaching practices in their daily lives. Our teaching provides creative and cross-curricular links with Art, English, Geography and History. Children will also have a clear and a deeper understanding of the stories written in the Bible and how to reflect on the significance and the importance in their lives.
Life to the Full
In St. Michael's we use the “Ten Ten” programme, Life to the Full. Taught with a spiral approach to learning, the programme includes teaching about personal health, physical and emotional well-being, strong emotions, private parts of the body, personal relationships, family structures, trusted adults, growing bodies, puberty, periods, life cycles, the dangers of social media, where babies come from, an understanding of the Common Good and living in the wider world.
The entire teaching is underpinned with a Christian faith understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created, chosen and loved by God. The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families.
Academic Year 2022-2023
Collective Worship Themes 2022-2023
Mass timetable 2022-2023
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
RE Termly Newsletters 2022- 2023
Whole School Celebrations: Religious Festivals 2022-23
Lent Preparations
Lent lasts a period of forty days, echoing the period of time Jesus spent in the desert preparing for his public ministry. During Lent, we devote more time to prayer, charity, and sacrifice as they prepare for the greatest feast in the Church year, Easter – when Jesus rose from the dead.
Advent Preparations
This Advent, we would love for our families to come together and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Advent gives us the space and offers us the tools to stand back from the business, the commercialism, the rushing around and the general craziness that so often accompanies these weeks before Christmas. It invites us to remember what we are really celebrating; the birth of a child, the coming of God among us. “Advent’s intention is to awaken the most profound and basic emotional memory within us, namely, the memory of the God who became a child. This is a healing memory; it brings hope. It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope.”
Welcome Celebration Mass- September 14th, 2022
We gathered to celebrate the opening of our school year. We ask God’s blessing on all of us and during our school life. We reflected that in our school community, each year group is of equal importance, bringing many gifts and talents, joys and challenges. We thought how can we be good friends just like Jesus.
Our priest Fr. Peter gave us the final blessing.
Lord, may your spirit of fire fill us with the passion of your love.
May your spirit of light burn brightly in our hearts.
May your spirit of courage disable fear from paralysing us.
May your spirit of joy enable us to live life to the fullest.
May your spirit of love prompt us to attend to the needs of others.
May your spirit of truth show us how it is like to be you.
May your blessing remain with us always.
We welcomed our new priest into our school community.
Beginning of Year Mass- St.George's Cathedral in London
We have responded to the words of Archbishop John Wilson and gathered together to celebrate the Beginning of Year Mass. We came together as the body of Christ to renew our commitment to the Catholic life and mission.
Feast of St. Michael
On 29th September we have celebrated the Feast of St. Michael our school patron. As every year we celebrate this special day with plenty of activities for the children to enjoy. Most importantly we start the day with a Mass to thank St Michael for his courage and loyalty to God.
Harvest Festival
In our school we celebrated the Harvest Festival with a special Mass. Father Peter blessed all the food donated by our children and their parents. We invited the Caring Hands charity to collect the items provided by our school community to accomplish in the way that Jesus taught us.
Black History Month
We had such a great month celebrating Black History in our school. The children learnt about black figures and important icons in our society. We are extremely grateful for our parents who came to deliver a wide of variety of workshops.
Rosary being part of our daily life
In St. Michael's school we are extremely blessed to have such wonderful parents and priests who like to spare their own time to pray with us to our Mother Mary. We are gathering together to say special prayers to Mary and ask Her to always help us in difficult times.
Remembrance Day
On 11th November we had a very thought provoking time with each class taking part in the REMEMBRANCE REFLECTION. We held 2 minutes silence together as a school community and say our own prayers of thanks and remembrance. We thought how we might achieve peace in our lives.
"I was thinking about the people who fought in the war for us''- Daniel
"I thought it helped me remember the people who died for us"- Oscar
"The remembrance silence was good, I realised how terrible war was and how important it is to remember all the soldiers" -Martha
Inter Faith Week 14-18th November 2022
During the whole week we have been building relationships with the community around us by discussing the different jobs that people provide for us. We focused on 'How we can come together in service for the common good'. We welcomed our school representative from the Acorn House (Care Home) and listened why elderly people need us and how much we should appreciate it what they have done for us in the past. We reflected individually in classes by creating our own poetry and artwork to represent the unity in our community. Each class wrote a letter to Acorn House to express the children's thoughts on why we need each other in our community and why it is so important. Early Years pupils had an opportunity to meet our new priest Fr Peter and hear from him about Jesus' love and how can we be like him in our daily lives. We all had a very memorable time which will stay in our memories.
First Sunday of Advent- 27th November 2022
The first Sunday of Advent gives us the opportunity to center our thoughts on hope and prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus’ arrival as a gift to all humanity.
Advent Mass 30th November 2022
We gathered together to celebrate our whole school Advent Mass. We asked Lord Jesus to help people to lead all people closer to Him and take away the darkness of our world with the light of His love.
Second Sunday of Advent- 4th December 2022
During this Second Week of Advent may we slow down for a few minutes each day and reflect on how we might live more peacefully and prepare our own hearts for Christmas. “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” (MK 1:3)
Reflection Area
"I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us, and we change things." Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Praying and daily reflection around the Mary statue are an important part of life at St. Michael's. We are taking ownership of the reflection time to pray for our own intentions and how prayer is able to transform us into being a better person throughout our spiritual life.
Third Sunday of Advent -11th December 2022
This week we have reached the 3rd Sunday of Advent which is also called “Rejoice Sunday.” As we light the rose-colored candle on the advent wreath, we focus on Jesus’ coming as a way to rejoice.
Fourth Sunday of Advent- 18th December 2022
The lighting of the fourth Candle of our Advent Wreath signifies our entry into the final week of the Advent Season. These past weeks of waiting in joyful expectation of the coming of our Lord Jesus has brought some light into the darkness that many people have been experiencing in this world. Christ is our bright and shining light!
Christmas Church pictures representing the wide of variety of carols created by our pupils.
Nativity Story at our school.
We have had our reflective time which was based around the Nativity story. The children had an opportunity to reflect the true meaning of Christmas and why it is important to us as a Christian school. We all came together as a school to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Celebrating Epiphany
Today, on the 6th January we celebrated the Feast of Epiphany with the parish members of our community at the 10am Mass in St. Michael's Church. It was wonderful to join with so many parishioners to reflect on the adoration of Jesus by the Three Wise Men. Father Peter reminded us that when we come to Mass and genuflect before the tabernacle, we are like those Wise Men, kneeling in adoration before the Son of God.
CAFOD visit- 11th January 2023
“If everyone put Catholic Social Teaching into action, it would transform the world!”
Pope Francis has written a letter to everyone, asking us to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need, whoever they are, wherever they may come from. Responding to the words of our Pope we have invited CAFOD to deliver for us the workshops around the Catholic Social Teaching principles. We are so grateful to Maggie Melville and Lee Parris to help us open our eyes and put our work in action.
Candlemas- 2nd February 2023
Our Candlemas service at St. Michael's was really special and led by our priest Father Peter. The singing was uplifting, in particular "Christ be our Light.", where all the pupils sung beautifully. All in all, it was a very spiritual experience for our whole school community. Each class received the blessed candle to lit in their class in order to remember that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Ash Wednesday
On Ash Wednesday all the children attended St Michael's Church for Mass in the morning. Father Peter talked about good deeds, making emphasis on the importance of praying and fasting. It has been a wonderful opportunity for us to pray together during this important season and receiving the ashes to reminds us of call to repent and prepare ourselves for Easter.
Whole School Lent displays
Easter Church pictures represernting the Station of the Cross created by our pupils.
Easter Celebtatiobn Mass
During the Easter Mass, we came together to celebrate the joyful time when Jesus rose again. Fr Peter was leading us in prayer and guiding us through the special service. With his kind words and wise teachings, he helped us to understand the important message of love and hope that Easter brings.
Easter Garden Compitition Winners
Ascension Feast Day
Gathering together for the Ascension Mass was a wonderful experience. We all came together to remember how Jesus went up to heaven. Through songs and prayers, we celebrated this amazing part of the story, feeling connected and excited about all the great things ahead.
All Faiths Week
We had an amazing time marking the All Faiths Week and inviting representatives from various beliefs to join us. It felt like a magical gathering of cultures and ideas, where we learned, shared and made friends from all around our community.
End of the Year Mass
As the school year came to an end, our hearts were full of gratitude during the special end of year Mass. We thanked our teachers, parents and our priest for all they taught us during this academic year. We joined in with prayers, songs and a bidding farewell to one chapter while embarking on the journey of the next.
Collective Worship Themes 2021-2022
Mass Timetable:
Parish Priest: Father Peter, St. Michael The Archangel RC Church
Term 2
Wed 10th November: Y3/4 mass @10am (Theme-Remembrance)
Wed 17th November: Y5/6 mass @10am (Theme-Compassion)
Wed 24th November: Y1/2 mass @10am (Theme-Peace)
Wed 1st December: Reception @10am
Wed 8th December: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary Mass @10am
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Whole School Celebrations: Religious Festivals
September: The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel
October: The Month of the Rosary
Our Rosary Group
October: Harvest Festival
''Give and it will be given to you''- Luke 6:38
During the Autumn Term we celebrated our Harvest Festival with a special assembly. All children were asked to contribute food items which were displayed as part of the assembly. All the food collected was donated to Caring Hands Charity. We are extremely grateful to able to support the Caring Hands charity and accomplish in the way that Jesus taught us.
Central Wholesale Produce, very generously donated food to St. Michael's. Our Prayer Leaders were able to accept the abundant donation of fresh produce, which was also donated to Caring Hands.
November: The Feast of All Saints
On Monday 1st November, as a whole school, we celebrated assembly for the Feast of All Saints. We had a lovely day celebrating the lives of various saints and learning about many that we may not have heard of before!
Reading from St John’s 1st Letter:
Think of the love that God the Father has richly poured over us by letting us become his children! That is what we are. Because we do not look any different from anyone else, people do not believe we are God’s children. My dear brothers and sisters if we follow Jesus we are children of God now – but what we are to be in the future is beyond our imagination. What we do know is that we shall be like Him and see Him as He really is. Surely this is something really worth looking forward to!
We thank you, God our Father, that Jesus has opened the gates of heaven for us so that we may live there with you, and all the wonderful angels and saints that already are with You now.
Lord hear us.
Dear Father, we want to please You each day by what we do and say. Like Jesus may we be kind and thoughtful to each other out of love for You.
Lord hear us.
Help us, dear Father, to love our world and look after it. May we do our bit to build up your Kingdom on Earth.
Lord hear us.
Please look after the sick and dying. Please look after the sad and lonely. Help us all to get rid of hate and greed. May we be a joy to those who love us.
Lord hear us.
We pray for our dead, that your Light may lead them on to everlasting life.
Lord hear us.
November: Diwali
Diwali is a five-day festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. The festival celebrates new beginnings and the Hindu New Year. It is usually celebrated in October or November - the exact date is determined by the Hindu lunar calendar. It is closely associated with the story of Rama and Sita.
This week we reflected upon the significance of the Hindu festival Religious festival called Divali (also spelt Diwali), which is often known as ‘the festival of lights’. It is held on the darkest night of the month, the night of the new moon, when the moon can’t be seen in the sky.
Diwali is a joyful occasion, where people of Hindu faith celebrate by:
- Families clean and decorate their homes in preparation.
- Streets and buildings are decorated with lights.
- Cards are sent and gifts exchanged.
- Special food and sweets are enjoyed.
- Fireworks are often part of the celebrations.
- Everyone prays for prosperity and good fortune in the days that lie ahead.
- Most especially, small clay lamps (called divas) are lit.
During assembly, we learnt about Diwali and reflected upon the Religious festival. Have a look at how we celebrated 'the festival of lights' in school.
All Saints and Diwali Gallery
November: Remembrance Day (11.11.21)
We had a lovely Remembrance Day assembly on Monday when we remembered all the soldiers who have died in the wars. We also thought about those loved ones close to us who are also no longer with us– we shared their photos and memories in class as well.
St. Michael's reflected on the importance and meaning of Remembrance Day. The children made beautiful creations, which we have proudly displayed in our classrooms and around school. Also, we shared our creations with our local community and made some poppies for Acorn House.
Throughout this month, we will continue to think of love and peace and pray for no more war. We pay our respects for those who died and we hope and pray for peace forevermore.
Poppies for Acorn House
The pupils of St. Michael's made beautiful poppies for members of our community at Acorn House. They have received them and are overjoyed with our wonderful creations which they will be displaying for the elderly residents in their home.
November: Children in Need (Charity Work)
Together, we can change the lives of the children and young people that need us most
We support the BBC’s charity Children in Need. Their mission is to help ensure every child in the UK is safe, happy, secure and has the opportunities they need to reach their potential.
We raised money during their annual November appeal, which is put to work where it’s needed most. With the money raised, Children in Need will fund local charities and projects who help remove the barriers that are facing children and young people, so that they can thrive.
A HUGE thank you to all the members of St. Michael's school community for your wonderful donations for Children in Need. So far we have raised £410.39!
November: The Feast of Christ the King
Today is the feast of Christ the King. But Jesus didn't live in a palace or wear a gold crown. So what kind of king is he? Let's find out today...
Jesus is the Son of God. He came to show us how to live. He came to teach us to help others, to love our neighbours and to share with them. And to pay more attention to what people do and say, than where they come from, or what they look like.
Jesus says that all those who are on the side of truth will listen to his voice.
Can you think of all the different people you listen to in a week? And what else do you listen to?
We listen to our teachers in school. We listen to our parents and carers. We listen to our friends. We listen to the radio. We listen to music.
How do we listen to Jesus?
We can listen to Jesus by hearing the Gospels and thinking about what Jesus is showing us in them. Also we can listen to Jesus when we take time to be still and quiet and when we pray.
Sometimes it is easy to listen. Sometimes it is hard. We might not want to hear what the person is saying to us and so we do not listen properly. Can you think of a time when you didn't really listen to what someone was saying to you?
This week let's try really hard to listen carefully to everyone. But most of all let's try really hard to listen to Jesus, a very different kind of king, in our lives.
First Sunday of Advent: We live in Hope
Sunday 28th November marked the first Sunday of Advent.
It is the Sunday of Hope.
Read: Isaiah 9:2 and 7:14
Our hope is in God, and in his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one appointed by God to be judge over all things. He is the one through whom God has promised to save and redeem his people.
We light this candle today to remind us that Jesus is our hope – and the hope of the world. We thank God for the promises he has made to us and for the light he has brought into the world.
Let us pray.
O God of Hope, Emmanuel, we pray that you will send your light into our hearts during this season of Advent. Help us to be ready for the day and the hour of Christ’s final appearing. Live in us and help us to live in you. By the power of the Holy Spirit, transform us so that our worship, our celebration, and our time of preparation may be pleasing unto you – both now and forevermore.
Second Sunday of Advent: We live in Peace
The second Sunday of Advent: Sunday, December 5th.
Loving God, you want the whole world to welcome Jesus. Help us to prepare for his coming by changing our lives for the better. We make this prayer to you through Christ our Lord, Amen.
The second Sunday of Advent gives us the opportunity to prepare our hearts in faithful waiting, celebrate the birth of Jesus, and ready ourselves for his second coming.
It's a beautiful chance to reflect on the ways prophecy has been fulfilled and to ponder what the future (promised to us through prophecies) will bring.
Psalm 46:10-11 says:
...Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
This week, we pause to remember who God is and what He has done for us. Making space in our schedules for prayer and meditation helps us to better see God at work in our lives and in our world.
As we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ arrival as a gift to all humanity, let’s stir up in our hearts and homes a sense of anticipation. May God’s spirit transform the days leading up to Christmas into a time of holy anticipation; preparing our hearts, as we faithfully await the chance to celebrate the arrival of our king.
We try to make a change to our lives and the lives of others as we prepare for the coming of Jesus, and so we pray together:
We pray for all the leaders in the world: that they may treat their people and those of other countries with fairness and compassion. Lord, hear us.
We pray for all children around the world: that they may have the chance to change their lives for the better and look to the future with hope and happiness. Lord, hear us.
We pray for our communities, families and friends: that we may care for each other as Jesus taught us, and so change all our lives for the better. Lord, hear us.
Merciful God, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the people for the coming of your Son, Jesus. Help us to get ready as well. Lead us to make positive changes in our lives and the lives of others around the world. Amen.
Third Sunday of Advent: We live in Joy
The third Sunday of Advent: Sunday, December 12th.
We are surrounded by joy.
Though Advent is a penitential season, we’re surrounded by joy. As we journey through this season, we empty ourselves of the extra and unneeded and find ourselves open to be filled by and with Jesus himself.
Joy becomes more than just a happy feeling or a warm fuzzy. It becomes a destination and a commitment we make. As the Holy Spirit becomes a more comfortable companion to us, we find that joy is a place we share.
Joy does not equal happiness, but it takes time to realize that, to appreciate it for the gift it is.
We have to learn to cooperate with God’s grace in our lives to be able to touch the joy that is as part of us as the air we breathe.
Philippians 4:4-5 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”
We pray for the Church throughout the world: that it may be a shining example of joy and God’s love, welcoming everyone and spreading the message of sharing to all people.
Lord hear us.
We pray for all members of our global family: that we may all recognise the importance of our brothers and sisters and share what we can for the good of all people.
Lord hear us.
We pray for our communities, families and friends: that we may be moved to care for one another and share what we have so all people can live full and happy lives.
Lord hear us.
Christ Jesus, as Christmas approaches, we look forward joyfully to your coming. Help us to share what we can so all people may have what they need.
Fourth Sunday of Advent:
Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent, when we light the final purple candle, signifying the last week of prayer and penance as we anticipate the birth of our Savior. This final candle is known as the “Angel's Candle,” symbolizing peace.
It’s almost Christmas! One more time we gather to pray so that we can be better prepared to welcome the Christ Child into the world. This fourth week of Advent marks the beginning of the end of our waiting — the gift we’ve been longing for is almost here.
Matthew 1:18-24
Joseph Accepts Jesus as His Son
Dear God, help us always to remember the reason that we wait, each year, in great anticipation for Christmas, not for presents but for the greatest gift of all, your Son.
Holy Spirit, guide the choices we make as Christmas nears. Through all we say and do, let us be evangelists who live and model the gospel way of life that Jesus taught when he walked this earth.
Father in heaven, we offer thanks to you for the sign that Christmas is to the world, a sign that God is with us all our days, in every age and time.
Come Lord Jesus. Through our Advent prayer, our lives and our hearts are prepared to welcome you. Be with us, for we are your people, and you are our God.
Christmas Day: The Birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ
December 25th: The Nativity of the Lord
The holidays are here and in full swing. Many people are hurrying up to grab last minute presents and gifts for their loved ones, but at our school, we remind and teach our students that there is much more to Christmas than just gifts. We teach them the story of Jesus’ birth and why it is important to pray and rejoice during this season.
Christmas commemorates that God entered this world in human form. It is the celebration of the Birth of the Saviour . God has taken on human flesh. Nothing like that had ever taken place previously. Oh, yes, God was very active in the creation of the world and in forming man and woman; further, in the making of a covenant with Israel, God promised to be with and to save them. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise. He is God’s Word who saves all humanity from the tragic consequences of sin.
At His birth in Bethlehem the Infant Jesus was placed in a wooden manger by His loving Virgin Mother, Mary, and her husband, Saint Joseph. That wood would be replaced at the end of His life by the wood of the Cross on which He accomplished salvation. From the Cross, He rose to life. His Birth was a prelude to His Resurrection.
The true meaning of Christmas is that God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son; that God shared our human condition even to death; that salvation was accomplished by God within the grittiness of life.
This is why the angel announced to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a Savior has been born for you who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”
To climax this announcement a whole army of angels appeared and sang, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”
Their angelic song awakens in us a deep longing to experience the closeness of God; a desire to live in a peaceful world; a hope to end suffering and a wish to eliminate grudges and hatred in our relationships with our families, coworkers, and communities.
This Christmas we need to unwrap the Saviour , Jesus Christ, whose presence as the Infant of Bethlehem is God’s Word to us. God’s promise has been kept. “Fear not,” the shepherds are reminded. ”Fear not,” God is with you.
Let us hear this Good, this Very Good News. Let it encourage our faith in God. Let it resonate in our homes and families, among our friends and coworkers. May it be preached from our pulpits. The Saviour is born and He and ONLY HE can take away fears and free us from sin. No one else can; nothing else can do that for you.
May you unwrap the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS who is Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord. With wishes and prayers for a blessed Christmas and New Year.
As we journey with the Holy Family to Bethlehem, we pray for all who make forced journeys. Give them strength to carry on and courage to walk the road ahead.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
As we hear the innkeeper say there is no room, we pray for refugees for whom there is no country. Gather them to yourself and keep them free from harm.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
As we contemplate that first Christmas night, we pray for those with nowhere to lay their head. Comfort them in their need and uphold them in their plight.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
As we listen to the cry of the infant king, we pray for children everywhere born into poverty. Wrap them in your love and uphold them in your tender mercy.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
As we remember the fear of the shepherds in the presence of the angels, we pray for all who are afraid to look ahead. Reassure them with your presence and embolden them to face the future.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
As we recall the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, we pray for all who flee from danger. Enfold them in your care and challenge us to offer our protection.
Wake up, little baby God
And hear our cry
That justice may be born.
January: The Epiphany (6th January)
Dear St. Michael's community,
Happy New Year to Everyone!
Please find below, our first assembly this term, the feast of the Epiphany.
We gather as a school family to continue our celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world, God’s gift of love to all. The name Jesus means ‘Saviour’.
The light has come to shine on all people throughout the world, to guide them to the new life offered by Jesus.
In the gospel of Matthew, we hear the story of how some wise men from another part of the world were led by a star and travelled the long journey to Bethlehem, looking for Jesus. They found him in a stable.
A reading from the Gospel of Matthew: “After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east… And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
The Gospel of the Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
The Son of God, Jesus, came into the world, to give life to every member of the human race. No matter what our race, nationality, colour or religion, each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. For all of us, this is a day of real celebration – we, too, are chosen.
Following the teaching of Jesus, we believe that everyone is chosen and special. That’s why we recognise all people as our sisters and brothers. We are all equal.
Jesus, Guide on our journey, let us see with your eyes, so that we may recognise you in every person of every race, nationality and colour.
(Response: May we show our thanks to you, by serving our sisters and brothers throughout the world)
Jesus, Light of the world, may we be a light for those whose lives we share; may our kindness and care bring courage and hope to those who are sad.
(Response: May we show our thanks to you, by serving our sisters and brothers throughout the world)
Jesus, bringer of comfort, help us to realise that we have gifts to offer to you through your people every day, and these gifts are precious to you.
(Response: May we show our thanks to you, by serving our sisters and brothers throughout the world)
January: Believe in Him
This week’s Gospel shows Jesus’ first public miracle at a family wedding. When the wine ran out, Mary’s faith-filled response helped others to believe in Jesus. Through a drama, which pupils performed, children are invited to take any problems to Jesus, follow His instructions and believe in Him.
John 2: 1 - 11
What do you best like to drink at parties - water, juice, milk or fizzy pop?
Imagine that the party has just started, but all the best drinks have run out. How might you feel?
What would you do - pop to the shops with mum, perhaps?
A similar situation happened at a party Jesus went to, but that supermarkets weren’t around in those days, so Mary couldn’t just pop to the shops!
When the drinks ran out, Mary immediately asked Jesus for help to solve the problem.
She believed in Him before He’d done anything to prove Himself publicly.
She told others to listen to and follow His instructions (“Do whatever He tells you.”)
Through this miracle, lots of people believed that Jesus was the Son of God!
Mary’s role in this Gospel story is really important - Her words are the last we hear in the Gospel. She doesn’t replace Jesus, but she always leads us to Him!
The wine Jesus created through His miracle was better than any wine that had been served at the wedding so far, showing Jesus’ power and God’s abundant love for us: He goes over and above what is needed!
Today, children learnt that:
• We can always go to Jesus with our problems.
• Mary leads us to Jesus.
• We can act on our belief in Jesus by asking Him for help, listening to His guidance, and following His instructions.
• Jesus wants us to ask Him for help. Is there anything - a problem or an issue - on your mind today you want to bring to Jesus?
• Jesus wants us to listen to Him. Let’s spend a moment listening to how He is guiding us through the Holy Spirit now.
• Jesus wants us to follow His instructions. These instructions come from reading His Word in the Bible, listening to the teaching of others and listening to His voice. Two of Jesus’ most important instructions are for us to love God and love others, and we can always fall back on these if we are not sure what to do.
• Finally, Jesus wants us to believe in Him. Will we believe in Him today? Will we ask Jesus for help, listen to His guidance, and follow His instructions?
Dear Lord, Thank you for this opportunity to nurture the faith of the children in my care. By the power of your Holy Spirit, lead and guide me as I prepare this assembly and bless each and every child with an open heart and mind to hear your Word. In your name, Jesus, Amen.
Candlemas – Presentation of the Lord
Forty days after Christmas, on 2nd February, the church celebrates the Presentation of the Lord. Mary and Joseph, according to Jewish custom, bring their son Jesus to the Temple. There they encounter two old people: Simeon and the prophetess Anna. These two realise that this child is special. They praise this little child as the Redeemer of Israel (LK 2:21-40).
The custom of blessing candles gathered us together on 2nd February in our St. Michael's church to celebrate the Presentation of the Lord.
We have received the candles from our parish priest to take back to our class and light in our classrooms to remember to always stay with the Light of Jesus.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you that Simeon and Anna
recognised you as a special baby,
and knew you would grow up
to do God’s special work.
Help us to discover who you are,
and how you are special.
Ash Wednesday Service- 2nd March
The school held a reflective Mass for Ash Wednesday with Father Baker.
To mark the beginning of Lent this year, the whole school was once again able to congregate for Mass on Ash Wednesday. It was a reflective occasion as the children reflected on our journey of preparation for Easter.
First Sunday of Lent
The readings for the 1st Sunday of Lent demonstrates that we must give our whole lives to God. In the first reading, Moses explains that we must give our best offering to the Lord. The Psalm sings of deliverance from trouble. In the second reading, Paul tells us that we must follow Jesus not just with our minds but also with our hearts. In the Gospel, Jesus is tempted by the devil in the desert but resists meaning that he had put trust in his Father instead.
Second Sunday of Lent
The readings for the 2nd Sunday of Lent shows us that God is truly present in our world. The first reading tells of Abram’s encounter with God and the covenant which was made. The psalm declares “Your presence, O Lord, I seek. Hide not your face from me.” The second reading reminds us that God has the power to transform us. And the Gospel tells of when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up the mountain and they witnessed his transfiguration.
Third Sunday of Lent
The readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent calls us to repent and return to the Lord. The first reading tells of how Moses encountered God in the burning bush. The psalm sings of God’s kindness and mercy. In the second reading, Paul tells us to learn from the past. In the Gospel, Jesus warns people to change their ways. He also tells the parable of the fig tree. God gives us many opportunities to grow but we must not resist his efforts to help us mature in faith.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
The readings for the 4th Sunday of Lent remind us that God is always waiting for us to return to Him so we can receive the abundance of life he offers us. The first reading tells of how the Israelites celebrated Passover on the plains of Jericho. In the second reading Paul tells us to be reconciled to God. In the gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son, which is sometimes called the parable of the forgiving father.
Easter Church pictures based around the theme of miracles
created by our pupils.
Easter Gardens representing Jesus' Resurrection.
On 21st April we held a reflective Mass about doubting Thomas
and celebrated our parish priest birthday.
May is the Month of Our Lady
May is a very special month for the Church as we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all. A full month is given to Mary and during this month we are asked to think about Mary, say special prayers to her, have May altars and sing hymns to Mary to tell her how much we love her and to ask her to help us stay close to her son Jesus and to try to live as Jesus showed us.
Children's masterpieces of art representing Mary
There are different ways to celebrate Mary in May.
Below you can find some ideas.
- Set up a May Altar in your house.
- Have a family May procession inside or outside your house in the garden.
- Pray to Mary each day
Write a prayer to Mary asking for her help during our daily lifes
- Draw your own picture of Mary and place it on your window.
- Say the rosary together as a family.
- Make your own rosary beads or create an outdoor rosary.
St. Michaels's pupils gathered together to sing 'Ave Maria Gratia Plena' song in our outside reflection area.
Multicultural week rosary 📿
During the Multicultural week, the children took a part in saying the rosary in their own home language as well as experiencing the Mary prayer from other different languages. The big smile on the children's face and enjoyment was shared with the rest of the school.
Reflection on Jesus' Ascension
On the feast of the Ascension, we are called to rejoice both in Jesus’ victory over sin and death and in the glorious life that he has secured for us. Throughout our school service we reflected and prayed to experience the new life in Christ.
All Faiths Week 14-17th June 2022
During All Faiths Week, the children had an opportunity to reflect a variety of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Throughtout the week the children were expressing and developing their relations between religions most practiced in our school community. The pupils have been exploring and thinking about what respect between religions mean and drawn the attention to how can we share some ideas and values. We invited some of our parents to talk about their religion and how they can share the peace throughout their lives. We have created our own masterpieces based on the theme of PEACE and planted together the sunflower seeds as a symbol of inner peace.
On 23rd June the children from KS2 attended to prayerful non- Eucharistic celebrations. The pupils from primary schools across the Archdiocese of Southwark came together and celebrated their unique place within God’s global family. We listened to the music from St. Thomas' College gospel choir as well as to the message from bishop Paul Hendricks and Fr Francis Kemsley. We had a wonderful time!
Feast of Saint Paul and Peter
On 29th June we have been celebrating the Feast of Saint Paul and Peter. After Jesus returned to heaven, Peter made it his mission to bring the Good News about Jesus to people in many places around the world. We have been inspired to follow their example by reaching out to others around the school community as brothers and sisters in God’s universal family.
On 30th June we said goodbye to our school priest Fr Baker for his 40 years serving at St. Michael's Church. We had been extremely fortunate to work alongside with Fr Baker for many years and seeing his care and attention to all of us. We expressed our appreciation through saying prayers and songs which had lifted the St. Michael's roof. The pupils from our school made a card that had their thumbs printed in order to show that we will be all equally missing Fr Baker so much. We wish Fr Baker a relaxing and wonderful retirement!
Cultural Capital
Black History Month Celebrations
St. Michael's have had a fabulous month celebrating Black History. During Black History Month, children learnt about black figures and icons in our society, both well known and not so well known, especially from our local area. Each year group was given a culture to study. The children learnt some of the language and traditions associated with the culture.
Nursery: Ewe
Reception: Ndebele
Year 1: Shona
Year 2: Igbo
Year 3: Mende
Year 4: Ga
Year 5: Yoruba
Year 6: Akan
In assembly, we celebrated our new learning as a school and shared all the work we have done for BHM. Additionally, we set up a display in the hall which each class had a chance to visit.
Please find below some examples of our Black History Month Celebration
BHM Display
BHM Celebrations : Mrs Muyuka teaching us all about Uganda
Staff members and Parents were invited to share their culture and traditions. We experienced wonderful dancing, tried delicious foods and learnt Caribbean folk and friendship songs.
Nursery: Ewe
In Nursery we have read lots of different books, our favourite was 'We all went on Safari'. We learnt how to count in Swahili, we made necklaces like the children have in Tanzania and we looked at colourful African clothing and made our own. We also celebrated similarities and differences we share.
Reception: Ndebele
In Reception we have been learning about the Ndebele culture. We have created our own colourful patterns inspired by Alma Thomas. Also, we thought about what we want our futures to be like.
Year 1: Shona
In Year 1 we have learnt about Rosa Parks and how she stood up for her rights by refusing to give up her seat on the bus for a white person. We have also studied Samuel Coleridge- Taylor, who was a British composer that fought against racial prejudice through music. We made our on musical pieces with a variety of instruments. Also, we studied Kayne West, who used music to influence change. We decorated and made paper chains to show unity no matter our skin colour, race or faith. We celebrate all our similarities and differences.
Year 2: Igbo
In Year 2 we have learnt about the achievements of Barack Obama. We learnt about the composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, composing our own African inspired music. Also, we made our own Igbo masks to celebrate Black History Month.
Year 3: Mende
In Year 3 we learnt about Stevie Wonder and explored his music. We were taught a traditional Ugandan dance and were shown traditional clothing by Mrs Muyuka. Also, we played a game called 'Dodgeball Jenga'.
Year 4: Ga
In Year 4 we have learnt all about the first African American women to visit space- Mae Jemison. We researched the Ga tribe and made jewellery using beads similar to their designs. We learnt a song 'Che Che Koolay' and played the drums to this tune. Finally, we learnt about Faith Ringgold and created our own story quilts inspired by her work.
Year 5: Yoruba
In Year 5 we have been learning about the Yoruba culture. We sang a greeting song in Yoruba and created some graffiti inspired art work. Also, we learnt about Madam CJ Walker. We researched a Yoruba Orisha and made masks representing the God/Goddess that we researched. Lastly, we learnt about Olaudah Equiano.
Year 6- Akan
In Year 6 we have created Akan tribe patterns. We made a timeline which represents different significant black heroes. We also learnt about William Chuffay and how he made a difference. In music, we have also been learning about Pharrell Williams and his songs.