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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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The Way the Truth and the Life

Overview of Foundation Stage and KS1 Syllabus

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2





God's World


My Family


God's Family

What was Jesus like?


Getting to know Jesus

Sorrow and Joy

Praying- making link to Resurrection


New Life

God's Special House


The Church

Year1God's Great PlanMary, Mother of GodFamilies and CelebrationsFollowing JesusResurrectionMiracles
Year2Chosen PeopleMysteriesThe Good NewsThe MassEastertideThe Church was Born


Overview of the Key Stage 2 Syllabus

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 3The Christian FamilyMary, Our MotherSacrament of ReconciliationCelebrating the MassCelebrating Easter and PentecostBeing a Christian
Year 4The BibleTrust in GodJesus the TeacherJesus, the SaviourThe Early Christians The Church
Year 5Creation God's CovenantsInspirational PeopleReconciliationLife in the Risen JesusOther Faiths 
Year 6The Kingdom of GodJusticeExploring the MassJesus the MessiahThe Transforming SpiritCalled to Serve