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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Year 5


St Augustine: Mr Baker 

St Bartholomew:  Mrs Fenton




Teaching assistants:

St Augustine: Miss Betts

St Bartholomew: Miss Eldridge



Year 5 Yearly Overview

Key Dates:

 PE  – Every Thursday

28th October - start of term

1st November - Mass 

7th November - Parents consultations 

8th November - Parents invited to look at children's books

              - KS2 Movie night

21st November - St Augustine class assembly

27th November -  Mass

W/B 2nd December -  Assessment week

13th December -  Christmas Fair

18th December -  Carol Service

20th December -  Last day of term



There will be interventions on a daily basis. These will be available to support each child in their learning. For your child to get the most out of their interventions, please arrive promptly at school for 8:30.

Reading in Key Stage 2

Year 5 Maths help video

Year 5 Reading help video

Jotter Learning Platform

To access the jotter learn platform to see your dip and do learning this this term follow the link below.

General Information:

 Our P.E. day this term is Thursday. Please remember you are allowed to wear your P.E kits to school. 


 Remember to read your book every night for at least 20 minutes and remember to get your learning journal signed. You will receive two house-points every time you read and have your journal signed, and an extra 5 if you read everyday throughout the week! You will also accumulate raffle tickets for every quiz you take and also for reading throughout the week, which will be entered in a draw at the end of each term for your chance to win an Amazon voucher.


 Spellings will be given every Monday, you will need to practice them daily ready for your spelling test the following Friday. If your child misspells a word from the spelling list in the Friday test, the way they wrote it will be written next to the spelling in their reading journal so that parents can see the error made and continue to work on this spelling at home. There is a a quiz on Purple Mash each week for the spellings to be tested on Friday. Please encourage your child to complete the quiz.


 There will be dip and dos posted on the year 5 jotter page at the beginning of each term. This is optional learning but house-points will be awarded if you complete this extra learning!


 If you have any queries please contact the school office via phone or email. A phone call or meeting can be arranged if necessary. 



Collective Worship 2023-2024

Theme: Kindness

Theme: Equality

Theme: Faith

Theme: Hope
