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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

‘I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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Sporting Leaders

Sports Champions

Sports Champions are representatives from each class who support promoting sports around the school, they run the skip to be fit in their class, the mile a day,  promote termly intra house competitions and devise sports



Term 1 

Intra House Competition

Speed Bounce - how many jumps can you complete in 1 minute?


Winning Team: St Bernadette (Blue Team) Well Done! You win a Tag Day on  18th October 2024 and 1000 house points! 

Term 1 and 2 objectives


The sports champions are focusing on trying to make all pupils and grown ups enjoy being active and participate in more physical activity. They are planning activities and ideas that will get everyone moving! 

Sports Crew

The sports crew initiate games and activities on they encourage children at lunch time to participate in activities supporting our goal of 60 minutes of being active a day. 
