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St Michael's RC Primary School

St Michael's RC Primary School

β€˜I came so that you may have life, life in all its fullness’ – John 10.10

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🌟 Year 3's Sweet Rock Cycle Lesson! 🍬πŸͺ¨ Today, our Year 3 students got hands-on with the rock cycle β€” using Starburst sweets to represent different types of rocks! 🍬✨ By squishing, melting, and cooling their Starbursts, students demonstrated how igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are formed. From melting into gooey layers to being compressed and changed, they explored the cycle in a fun, interactive way! πŸ” Learning highlights: βœ… Hands-on learning with real-world connections βœ… Understanding rock formation through visual and tactile experience βœ… Engaging, creative exploration of scientific concepts It’s always great to see our students engaged and excited about science β€” with a tasty twist! πŸ˜‹ #ScienceInAction #RockCycle #Year3Learning #HandsOnLearning #STEM #InteractiveLearning #starburstscience
